Bergman, do childhood nightmares still wake you up?

Guadalupe 2022-03-21 09:02:12

After watching this movie for more than five hours with difficulty, my childhood fantasy took me into the secret depths of a big family. The photography style like oil painting, the magnificent and noble family temperament, the theater is like that church, Together, they interpret the rich tragicomedy of the world, the inner world of Bergman from the same year to old age. His experiences, his insights, his insights, and the psychological shadows of his childhood have accompanied him to grow and escape together throughout his life. The things that cannot be dropped are cobbled together, pasted and twisted, and finally become poetic and fairy tales.

Even in such a big family, there are countless unbearable, dirty, compromised, betrayed, madly lost, and inescapable reincarnations under the delicate surface, but life still makes him unable to escape. real escape.

Everyone in the big family does not necessarily have a truly glamorous and beautiful life. There will be a dignity that still needs to be maintained in the cold and bitter of poverty, and there will be heavy mutual harm after the love has been exhausted. The former deep love, cherishing each other, because one party fell into the incompetence of the body and finally was incapable of love, without the water of the flame of the body, the love was extinguished and turned into ashes, and the other party's obsession with love turned into a masochistic love, which is humble The grievances and grievances seek perfection, no matter how difficult it is, they are unwilling to put down their face and seriously seek the help of the family, nor give up the false upper-class life. The contradiction is so sharp, so it has turned into countless deep quarrels and injuries to show this kind of Contradictions and conflicts, use the embarrassment of making people and resolve the embarrassment of retreat as a reason to escape. The decency and value of knowledge are like castrated eunuchs in the vulgar, arrogant and secular value society, humble and cowardly, lacking power, having no voice, not being valued, not being respected, and having nowhere to escape, while successful businessmen jump on horses. , takes up more resources, more desire, stronger ability, to treat others as dolls and can't escape, here knowledge is worthless, weak and smelly dung, and wealth is the one that can be crushed All the almighty gods who can possess, play, oppress and exploit others.

Many people will also be addicted to radiant, crazy selfless love. The meaning of loyalty is illusory. Marriage shows the essence of its partnership in the movie, like two business partners, like the delicate and rigorous contractual relationship. Those who pursue love are captured by the light of love but fall into the hell behind the light. When love is burning, it is so glorious, when it is love, it is so humble and gentle. When the mask of that light is removed, it is really ugly. Burned to pieces by the flames of the real hell, he was imprisoned in the huge and majestic palace of the devil. Using an excerpt from Hamlet's story, it alludes to this relationship. The queen's decency is hidden in waves, and the heart of spring takes root and sprouts like a plant, but she is bound by reality. She likes the sense of security brought by this restraint and longs for spring. Fresh air and hate the bondage. The beautiful mask of divinity and radiance has always been worn, but under the light is the emptiness and desire in the heart that has been difficult to fill. Even in old age you will still be like a little girl and will still yearn for love.

The director's growing up experience is like the journey of exploration, growth, redemption and return similar to Moses' Exodus. With a sincere and original innocence, he started the journey of chasing his dream in life, and slowly lost himself in the crowd of people full of attraction, desire and prosperity. What I want and desire, I also forget what I like to express, the sound of light and heat from the outside world, the colorful material of desire, the source of satisfying hunger and thirst, and the source of worldly desire can not be seen in front of me, the abundant material has blinded all perception, Like the walking dead. When the old self and the young self talk again, the questions asked by the young self are the answers obtained after the journey of a lifetime. After the journey of reality and spirituality, they will still return to the original life mode, back to the mountains. Clouds and forests return to the source of the spirit.

The shadow of childhood is always with him until forever, his journey in search of spring water is like the process of his search for knowledge, the tower-like building, the real home, the place where he regards as ugly and oppressive pains and struggles, Too many secrets and sorrows are hidden, like the source of pain in hell. The stepfather is a cold-blooded statue that is intimidating, lacks emotional interaction and cannot understand him, is a stern cruelty, always shaped on the altar for worship, the face of the god, but the part of the worldly humanity under the mask has been distorted and lost itself, I can't take off the mask, and the mask has been merged into one. The divine puritanical ascetic life stifled and bound the director's childhood, leaving behind the shadow of the fear of punishment, suppression and confinement. God is denied here. God is not a symbol of nobility and beauty. God is a big dung lie when he needs it and when he doesn't need it. He gives hope to man, and he rescues him through man. , if the magic is not a god but the power of a person who can really sing life, let the rotten and ugly things turn into flames in the end, and let the things he is attached to and loved return to the original beauty and prosperity, and new life is born, Just like the beginning of a new reincarnation, his heart was not firmly believing in God, but pinning his hopes on man's self-redemption, but the shadows in the darkness would always appear in nightmares and follow him forever.

The dead Danish king is the father's love that the director longs for. Because he does not exist in real life, he is cast as a ghost, and he is allowed to die and appear in the form of a ghost, because fantasy cannot really help the depression and pain in real life. To defeat the devil who is the source of the pain, so he let the ghost go to heaven and don't bother him, but he also longs for such a warm, gentle and kind father who can really be equipped with storytelling, understanding and genuine care for his childhood, instead of The father who, in his opinion, was the devil incarnate, the bishop's father who turned his childhood into a purgatory and was punished all over the place.

The superb acting skills of the actors and the delicacy and meticulousness of the props are very admirable. The photography presents an oil painting style with delicacy and luster, creating a good sense of history and shaping a good independent space, forming an independent immersion in it. Mysterious and magical atmosphere. With such a good scene composition, the director's shadow that haunted his whole life since childhood, the demon who never escaped from beginning to end, uncovered the mask under the false divinity. Are the words of a child credible? Are parents so evil? Childhood experiences are nightmares, cruel restraints that children cannot understand, but children will also lie to others without knowing it, and the wrong actions made in childhood are like the butterfly effect, igniting the raging fire, swallowing everything, swallowing the sin It also swallowed up a part of my heart, making that corner never dare to accept the sun, hiding the darkness in that corner, and quietly visiting each other in nightmares, wondering why I experienced childhood nightmares at that time. , is it because of lying? Is it because of childhood mistakes? Or because that was a demon in a divine mask. And defeating the devil in a dream is also a kind of victory, a kind of escape, and the basis for returning to reality. The director put his whole life into it and rubbed it in the dreamy picture of light and shadow. Everyone can only see the scenery projected by his own heart, and the director's own heart can only be seen in that nightmare. Everyone will see a different scenery, thanks to the director's masterpiece, it is a painstaking effort to open the heart and let the world see the endless scenery.

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Fanny and Alexander quotes

  • Ekdahlska huset - Helena Ekdahl: I loved being a mother. I loved having a big belly. I loved being an actress too, but I preferred being a mother.

  • Emilie Ekdahl - Ekdahlska huset: Your sister gave me sleeping pills for my insomnia. I put three of them in the broth. I did not intend for you to drink it. While you were checking on Elsa, I put three more in. Soon you will sleep very soundly, and when you wake up, I will be gone.