In the dark days, remember that there will always be seeds of goodness in our hearts

Webster 2022-03-21 09:03:04

After reading "The Eucharist", I don't think of "The Clown". Although the two films have very different styles, and are completely different stories and character backgrounds. But they also let me see that the good and evil of human nature are so subtle, one after another, restraining and contradicting each other. That seed of good and evil is in everyone's heart from the beginning. As the environment changes, some seeds of kindness have been carefully cared for from the beginning to grow into forests; some seeds of kindness have experienced heavy rains and strong winds but eventually grow into towering trees to protect others; Forced to choose to water the seeds of evil, such as the clown; there are people who find suitable soil to plant good seeds after the evil seeds sprout and grow, such as Daniel in this film.

I have never believed in good and evil by nature. There is no such simple human nature.

The male protagonist who plays Daniel, the cold and evil at the beginning of the film, especially the arrogant and indifferent eyes under the flashing lights of the disco, make people feel terrifying across the screen. I said to myself, if I meet a person with such eyes in reality, even if he just sits quietly, it will make my heart palpitate. And as he put on the holy costume and became a priest, his eyes began to become clear. His anger slowly faded, and he gradually regained empathy for others. He would shed tears for the families of the victims and fight for the right to bury the dead driver locally. He was no longer the guy who helped rape vulnerable boys and didn't care. The male protagonist did a great job of interpreting this subtle change. From the old numbness and ruthlessness at the beginning; to the panic and confusion of good and evil mixed with good and evil when he first pretended to be a pastor, and began to fade the mature expression of the juvenile management center, revealing the immaturity that he should have at his age; After he gradually assumed the responsibility of a pastor, he faded away and became mature again, but it was a solemn and peaceful look in his eyes. But I think the most wonderful thing is that when the pastor of the former juvenile detention center found him and wanted to beat Daniel angrily in the locker room, Daniel's first reaction was to dodge and be afraid. It's a very subtle but incredibly subtle piece. Dodging and being afraid are the instincts of ordinary people like us who haven't fought much, but in the past, Daniel fought countless times and even killed people. Facing the elderly priest, it was not a problem for him to fight back and defend himself. He instinctively changed from counterattacking hurt and revenge to avoiding hurt and forgiving.

I'm thinking again, aside from being a pastor, what more specific environmental factors changed Daniel and prompted him to choose to pour out his goodness? I believe it should be when he is trusted, when he realizes the value of his existence to others, when he believes he has the power to change something. Finding the value of your existence and finding a way to connect with people is the best way to water the seeds of goodness.

In the end, of course, the seeds of evil would still be in Daniel's body, just as he couldn't help beating the big man in a pool of blood in the end. Sometimes we can't help ourselves, sometimes we have a choice. Good and evil are mixed, there is no absolute. May we work hard to create a little more environment for good to grow.

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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.