Mortals endow God with holiness

Kaya 2022-03-21 09:03:04

The moment I saw the poster and the name, I became very interested in this movie. I finally found the high-definition version, opened it and watched it for 2 minutes, and immediately determined that this is the style I like. It's a bit like the tune of "Manchester by the Sea", hazy, restrained, cold, but deeply rooted.

What I see in the movie is the world's prejudice and obsession with the so-called "identity". When you put on a certain coat to represent a certain power, you are still you, but the world will give you another vision, Sometimes this kind of reverence can even be like a light in a dark life, bringing you self-esteem and hope in life. But sadly, when you take off this coat, you are still the little gray you.

The tone of the entire film seems to be a gentle light penetrating through the dark. In the first half, the male protagonist put on a mass dress and stood in front of the altar, the divine light when his face was illuminated by the sun, as if it really gave him the power of God, as if all mistakes could be forgiven, all human sins In the end, they will be gently accepted by God. He also gained more life experiences and experiences in his daily life of pretending to be a priest.

In the second half, the relationship between the male protagonist and the town girl, the details of the car accident in the town, and the tension of being dismantled slowly unfolded. He did not completely restrain his desires because he pretended to be a priest. He still indulges occasionally, even with girls. Having a relationship, he is more of that young mortal body than the pretended spokesman of God.

The male protagonist who plays Daniel is really a near-perfect substitute, with a thin face, pale skin, and a pair of eyes. He has written all the ruthlessness, madness, tenderness, confusion, hesitation, disappointment, and happiness of a teenager.

Bartos Bilenha

God cannot answer our questions, how can we accomplish self-redemption? In the movie, the male protagonist goes to the old man's house before his death. The house of a devout believer is decorated with symbols of Christ. The eyes of the old man before his death seem to be trying to find the light, and the spokesperson of God can only say at this moment " You will not die." Is the old man really dead? Did she find the way to heaven before she died? We don't know, maybe, in a sense she really won't die, we will never know the world after death, maybe this is the meaning of God's existence.

Will our mistakes be forgiven? Still remain in our life like an eternal brand, when the error is big enough, it will swallow your light and ideals. Where will Daniel end up going? At the end of the movie, when he burst into the light with blood all over his face, I hope the movie doesn't end, but at the same time, I feel that ending at this moment is probably the best choice.

Watching the movie late at night, and sure enough, the soul seems to have calmed down, and now this sudden plague has also made us see all kinds of things in the world. But it may be rare to have such a natural stop in adult life. May all prejudices be self-solved, and the sun will shine on this suffering world as soon as possible.

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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.