There is always a dream, what if it comes true?

Kenton 2022-03-21 09:02:04

No dream is too big, no matter how small the dreamer is. As a snail, he longs for the ultimate speed, which seems whimsical and unrealistic, but because of an accidental inhalation of the car engine, the nitrogen-oxygen acceleration system in the car caused a genetic mutation in its DNA, making the dream a reality. When you are persistent in pursuit and desire for every strand of hair, that kind of expectation and forge ahead will really engrave your dream into your genes, and become the person you are born with in the eyes of others, and your dream will come true. There are some things that no matter how hard you try, you will never succeed. Life is doomed to be miserable. The sooner you accept this, the happier you will be. Although happy, but not wonderful, just willing to be mediocre. Life is short, try and experience as much as possible. If it is a dream, it will definitely be whimsical and do whatever you want, because the reality after waking up is cold, ruthless and cruel. But looking back on the past, life is a dream. Compared with the long river of time, beauty is also a flash in the pan. It is better to live comfortably and fearlessly like a dream. Crazy is success. It's an obsession, study and passion. Keeping passion can keep a young and energetic heart forever. We have a chance to make life better, will anyone be willing to take the risk. If it's something you really love and love, then you can do it without hesitation. What if I wake up tomorrow morning and find that the magic is gone? Then I will enjoy today. Enjoy the joy of this dream come true, this moment is worth a thousand dollars. The world needs little people like you, and it needs you to believe that you can achieve the impossible. This is positive energy. Positive energy is contagious. Maybe not every dream can be realized, but the dreamer is a hero.

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Turbo quotes

  • Turbo: Are you crazy?

    Whiplash: Yeah, I'm crazy! What made you think I was sane?

  • Turbo: Snails don't have money. Or else they'll have to pay the bills. Remember?

    Whiplash: Your trash talk is needlessly complicated!

    Turbo: Is it? Or is it that your unpaid bills... are overdue?

    Whiplash: Enough talk! It's time... for action.