Anyway, juvenile delinquents also used the authority of Christ, pray for the Eucharist

Harry 2022-03-21 09:03:04

The Polish film "Holy Body of Christ" is a story about a juvenile delinquent who was sent by a ghost to become a priest in a small town, and then fell from a height. This joke of life is very heavy, allowing the town people to see many truths in the world, but there is still no hope in real life. The piety of the Poles is famous throughout Europe. In St. Paul's Square in Rome, you can see individuals or teams from Poland, especially when Paul II was on the throne, the Poles regarded their fellow countryman as really like Christ, and they could feel that the Poles were treated by the "Holy Body of Christ". "When the interview, the kind of excitement that comes from the heart. According to many foreign reports, the Catholic leader was involved in many activities that subverted the former Polish system. Due to his unprecedented prestige and appeal, he was assassinated many times by the former Polish government, but every time he survived the catastrophe. , he really became the "Holy Body of Christ".

God has fulfilled the Polish people's desire to change the social system, but it does not seem to have completely relieved their pain and confusion. The film's setting is a small town in Poland, where an unexpected car accident leaves the families involved in the grips of hatred and tears. It does not mean that if you have deep beliefs, you will be able to understand the true meaning of the world, and you will be able to pick it up and put it down. Praying and praying for blessings have become a must-do in daily life. Don't think about it, don't improve your cognition, you only know how to deal with it numbly and mechanically. It can also be seen from the content of the townspeople's confession that they are all troubles or hardships in life, they dare not face the reality, do not want to use their brains to think about how to solve them, and give up their hands to Christ and God, even the old priest said This kind of confession solves nothing. Having said that, if you can really face life bravely, if you can truly love and strengthen yourself, you don’t need Christ. No disrespect to religion is meant, but this is indeed the belief in all beings that the believers portrayed in this film.

A group of people who couldn't even distinguish a priest from a criminal were really moved by the uniqueness of the false priest. The juvenile delinquent who did not know the sky and the earth has uncovered the scars of the town, contradictions and crises have emerged, but in the end, it has raised everyone's awareness and eased the atmosphere. Compared with those philistines, juvenile delinquents still have something positive. He also needs inner catharsis, and his catharsis appears to be upright, friendly, down-to-earth, and very effective. This movie also made a joke. The real solution to the problem is through such a gangster, using a realistic method that is different from religion. I wonder if the film director did it on purpose. In any case, juvenile delinquents have also used the authority of Christ to pray for the Eucharist!

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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.