Still falling for you - Hidden Details & Background Knowledge & Locations

Marianna 2022-03-21 09:02:26

The following content involves three movies. If you are worried about spoilers, proceed with caution. Mainly in chronological order.

The impetus to write it down is Colin Firth


1. The childhood fun of the two

In the first book, when Mark introduced Bridget to Natasha at the book launch, he said very shamelessly: "She used to swim naked in my pool before." When the two first met at the Christmas dinner, Bridget His mother also said that she often ran streaking on his lawn as a child.

In fact, when I was a child, the director of this funny story filmed it, but it was cut. This warm and loving short film can be watched on YouTube or B station.

childhood sweetheart - abridged part B station

Not only swimming naked, but hitting Mark with a racket

The other kids were playing, and Mark was reading on the bench by himself. As a child, Mark was a stern look.

2. Royal Court of Justice

In the first part, Bridget went to the Royal Court of Justice to report a big case, and Mark happened to be the defense lawyer in this case, and then Bridget got an interview opportunity through "internal relations", and the relationship between the two heated up sharply.

interview site

The Royal Court of Justice is the seat of the High Court and the Court of Appeal. This is a building full of Gothic style, built at the end of the 19th century, magnificent. Near it are the four major law schools (Inns of court, also translated as the Bar Association, which will be mentioned below), King's College London (KCL), London School of Economics (LSE), and the atmosphere of law is permeated around it.

3. Borough Market

After the above news event was successfully reported, Bridget happily invited her friends to the house (it was also her birthday), she purchased ingredients at the market, and went downstairs to her house.

Borough Market

Boluo Market is under the railway bridge. It has a long history and is well-known. Here you can not only buy fresh vegetables, fruits and seafood and other ingredients, but also taste food from all over the world. The down-to-earth prices are very friendly to the wallets of foodies. .

If you want to make a pilgrimage, you can also find Bridget's house by the way. After all, a lot of things happened just downstairs in her house——

The second sweet and sweet

4. The first kiss in the snow

Snowflakes are fluttering, and the first part ends with the scene of the two kissing on the street. Bridget said abruptly, "Good boys don't kiss like that."

oh yes, they fuxx do

Since the director really likes the way of echoing before and after (there will be more in the following), when I look back, I suddenly have an epiphany, and it is speculated that the first kiss between Mark and Bridget is probably like this (please see the original English words).

uh, very french

5. New Notebook

Bridget thought that Mark was so angry when he saw the contents of the diary that he left, only to find out later that Mark was going to buy himself a new notebook and start a new chapter in his life. This reversal also makes people feel very warm.

From the logo, Mark bought Bridget a red Montblanc notebook. The store, seen from the blurred background number, is The Royal Exchange, but it's actually a long way from her home.

Part II

6. Infidelity?

In the second part, when Bridget was chatting with his good friends, he was worried that Mark and Rebecca had an affair, so the "bad friends" thought so: If you ask Mark, the latter's answer is "I don't bother to answer this question. ", then the two of them must have a leg.


As a result, when Bridget questioned Mark on the night of the family reunion, after hearing Rebecca's phone message to Mark, Mark's answer was really word-for-word: "I won't dignify that question with an answer." As you can imagine , Bridget must have been heartbroken when she thought of the previous conversation with her friend.

7. Dinner at the Law School

In the second part, Mark invited Bridget to a banquet together, and this banquet is actually a test that a barrister must go through in order to obtain the qualification to practice... Yes, having dinner together is also an assessment item.

In England, the legal profession is very different from that in China. There are two types of lawyers in England: solicitors and barristers. The career paths of the two are different. Solicitors will provide legal consulting services. For company business, property transfer, trust, etc., they need to pass qualification examinations; trial lawyers also need to pass qualification examinations (but the types are different), and they need to become members of any of the four major law schools. , Complete various training programs, and only after passing the entire learning process can you be awarded the barrister qualification (called to the Bar) by the Law School. The barrister qualification is highly competitive and difficult. The biggest difference between the two is that : (1) Solicitors can state their opinions in some lower-level courts, but trial lawyers can have the exclusive right to appear in court in higher-level and complex cases. ② The parties generally cannot directly contact the trial lawyer, and generally consult the solicitor first. If necessary, the solicitor will find a suitable trial lawyer for the client.

In order to qualify as a barrister, students need to go to various dinner parties, called dining in Hall , which are often held in the auditorium of the Law School, where students can meet many seniors in the legal profession. The source of this tradition is probably that many schools will hold dinner parties, invited speeches, etc. when students enter school (remember the opening dinner in Harry Potter), and students and seniors can eat from the experience and experience of the latter. benefit from wisdom. In addition, the Law School may also require students to participate in other legal activities, such as lecture night and seminar.

Others believe that these dinners are full of the superiority of the upper class or the elite. Students were required to eat 24 times, but it was later reduced to 12 times. In the play, Bridget and the guests don't talk much, and he shouts "balding upper-middle-class twits" (balding and stupid upper-middle class), which attracts the attention of the audience.

The latter two broke down near London Bridge. In fact, London Bridge is not far from Bridget's home, and there are scenes of Bridget walking on the bridge in the three movies.

London bridge

8. Fight for her

In the second part, Bridget is trapped by drug dealers and taken away by the police at the airport. When Bridget's friend was in a hurry to find Mark, it is said that Mark "altered two cabinet ministers and half MI5 within half an hour, flew to the Interpol headquarters in Lyon, called the British ambassador to Saudi Arabia, and finally Jed After being extradited to the UK, Mark flew to Bangkok to meet Bridget", which is a bit of an exaggeration, but at least it made Bridget understand that Mark had done a lot for her.

This paragraph is actually a foreshadowing. When the two quarreled before, Bridget accused Mark of never wanting to fight for her, "You can never muster the strength to fight for me".

This incident made Bridget understand Mark's heart better, and finally, in front of everyone's eyes, Bridget sincerely thanked Mark for "magnificent work he actually did" and sent a confession. Then came the marriage proposal.

Part 3

9. Degradable condoms

In fact, if the audience observes carefully, they will find that after Bridget and Jack spent the spring night together, they gave a shot of unpacked condoms on the small table by the bed. So, even if Jack lied to Mark later, serious viewers would know at the time that Jack did it on purpose.

"Degradable, dolphin-friendly eco-friendly condoms"

10. Jack is in love

Some people say that Jack's love for Bridget came a little suddenly and strangely. In fact, at the music festival, Jack gave a speech in which he shared the formula of love, and matched on the spot that he and Bridget had a high degree of matching. That was the second time Jack and Bridget met. But this part was cut.

The 96% match rate makes Mark feel cold

11. Children learn to speak

Tom couldn't come because of something, so he had to ask Mark to be the godfather temporarily. When Bridget arrived late, his best friend's daughter yelled at her "where the fuxx were you", which was shocking.

In fact, the little girl was learning how to speak from her mother. When her mother just called Bridget, she had shouted this sentence.

13. Reasons for breaking up

On the night of the christening, the two rekindled their old love. Bridget left the next day, leaving a note to Mark, bitterly refusing to get back with Mark. In the movie, the narration "I can list 100 reasons why we can't be together" was hurriedly passed, but the camera was given. Take a look at what Bridget has listed:

①He always puts his work first (emmm finally Mark threw the phone out of the window);

② He is not good at socializing;

③ He doesn't like parties;

④He only reads history books;

⑤ He does not make many new friends;

⑥ He neither knows nor likes music after 1985;

14. Pregnancy test stick

The pregnancy test that Bridget used in the third installment and the one I bought while skiing in the second installment are both clearblue...presumably the sponsor. Anyway I don't know why my focus is so tricky haha

A treasure is selling the same model (mistake)

15. Tate Modern

When Bridget and his friends found out that the man in 419 was a rich American, the place to hang out in the open air should have been near the Tate Modern.

The Tate is a former power station, recognisable by its tall chimneys.

16. Doctor

Emma Thompson, who plays the obstetrician and gynecologist Dr Rawlings, is the only Oscar-winning actress to win an Academy Award for Best Screenplay. In the third part, he can act and write a script. Although she only learned about her achievements after the fact, but when I first watched it, I could feel that this actor is definitely an old drama bone, and every move is full of emotion.


In the third installment, Mark wins another lawsuit, this time for free speech for a group of girls. On the TV news, the girls were especially unrestrained, writing Mark's name on their chests and shocked everyone. The girl on the far right reads QC. It means that Mark has won the honorary title of Queen's counsel, which is translated as Queen's Counsel, or Royal Legal Counsel. In fact, QC does not necessarily "be a legal adviser to the royal family" as it literally means, but this title is a proof of qualifications and ability, and this setting is quite consistent with perfect Mr. Darcy. QC has the right to wear a special silk robe when appearing in court. Has anyone watched the British drama "Silk"?

Mark was terrified

18. Greenwich Park

Mark was kept in the dark by Jack and left angrily.

Afterwards, in the park, my best friend asked, "Are you sure that your other half can be Jack? Not Mark Darcy?"

The scene is in Greenwich Park, and the panorama of London seen from here is often used as a representation of the London landscape.

19. Middle Temple

As mentioned above, to become a barrister, you need to pass the assessment of the Law School.

In the third part, when Bridget and Mark walked back from the court to their office, they passed through a street of lawyers (in the background you can also see a few high-spirited trial lawyers walking behind them), and when they reached the front steps, they saw Iron Is there a golden badge on the door? This is the hallmark of the Middle Temple School of Law.

Middle Temple

There are four major law schools in England, namely Lincoln's Inn (Linconln's Inn, 1422), Middle Temple (1501), Inner Temple (1505), Gray's Inn (Gray's Inn) , 1569). A trial lawyer is different from a solicitor. A solicitor can join a law firm, but a trial lawyer is a separate practice (self-employed, self-employment model), and for the convenience of work, an office space is jointly rented, that is, a trial lawyer’s office ( barrister's chambers), there will be administrative staff (barrister's clerk) to arrange meetings and negotiate attorney fees.

Left: Middle Temple School of Law; Right: Big Four Law Schools (Image source: Wikipedia)

20. Love Necklace

This necklace, which Bridget wore from the first to the third, was also worn when he got married.

21. Diamond Ring

Take a look at Bridget's large diamond ring. After taking the oath, Mark shook the wedding ring on his ring finger... Uncle Mian's look, my God.

22. Children's names Hock, River, Noah, Jack, William

In the second skiing pregnancy Oolong incident, the two talked about naming their children. Mark said that if it was a boy, he could make his own version of "another Mark Darcy". At this time, Bridget was not very happy, and said other names Hock, River, Noah, and then the two decided whether to send the child to the child. Eton College quarreled.

In the third part, in the Italian restaurant, Mark said that maybe he could consider the name Jack, which was Mark's grandfather's name (of course, Mark, who was still in the dark, didn't know that his rival was also called Jack).

At the finale, the audience learned that the child's name was William Jones-Darcy.

23. Easter eggs

At the end of the third part, wait until all the subtitles are gone


In the book edition, they have two children.

On a business trip a few years later, Mark was killed in a bomb in Afghanistan...

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Bridget Jones's Baby quotes

  • Mark: Well, I can always find time to save the world. And Bridget, you're my world.

  • Mum: Did you have a 3 ways?