
Guadalupe 2022-12-06 13:56:45

After watching the second season, I always felt that the plot was incoherent. After re-watching the first season, I suddenly thought that what the Secretary of State had been worried about in the second season was that the pope was idolized by the public. From the audience's point of view, has the public also idolized the Pope played by Qiu Hua? Therefore, Qiu Hua has been in a coma this season, which is also a process of de-idolization.

In the second season, Qiu Hua was missing, highlighting the role of the Secretary of State. It was wonderful, and the organization did everything for the church. He was really the man behind the scenes. In particular, the various arrangements before resignation are really wonderful and warm.

After watching the last episode, it's really emmmmm

Feel like the director is trying to express the consequences of ineffective communication? ? John said he wanted to come back to himself, so he quit his job and went home, and his parents finally saw him. Guess, his parents ignored him all his life because he felt that being a priest was Adam's dream, so he was angry with John? ? ? Can't communicate well? ? ? I ignored each other all my life and finally got old and gray-haired and finally reconciled... That life was wasted.

Ester also wanted to see Lenny not see, and finally ended up in an extremist organization and went to prison.

Voielle can still see clearly, why people have to fall in love (to the effect). Wearing white clothes makes Voielle very inconsistent.

I feel like I'm back to the starting point after finishing nine episodes. Then voielle used the means to become pope earlier, and it was really half an episode.

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