Blue Planet season 2 review

Winifred 2022-03-21 09:02:45

In the documentary Blue Planet, the blue sea, various ocean currents, and various fish appear on the screen, which is breathtaking. Coupled with beautiful and distant music and vivid explanations, a beautiful picture of life slowly unfolds in front of me, all of which impact our hearts. Facing the vast ocean, the mysterious and unknown sea, let us Feel the smallness of human beings and the greatness and wonder of nature.

On the blue sea planet of the earth, there are too many lives in the blue ocean, and there are too many stories of life being staged. The truest touches are always happening in places where human beings have been least involved. On the coast, under the influence of the gravity of the moon, the land will become the ocean every day, and the ocean will also become the land every day.

Those living in the depths of the ocean: bottlenose dolphins, have always been wave chasers. Their wisdom led them to teach their young children to rub their bodies against gorgonians to prevent wound infection; and the wisdom of the hogtooth fish also amazes us. Other fish can not eat clams, hogtooth fish use coral The bulge, bites the clam with its mouth, and hits the coral continuously. Wisdom applies everywhere.

No matter how harsh the environment is, there are always creatures living there, and we humans also came from the harsh environment. Our ancestors got their resources from the ocean. But with the development of technology, humans began to pollute the ocean. Plastic can kill marine life, man-made noise can make marine life deaf, and fishing nets kill thousands of sharks every year, including the largest whale shark. If each of us worked a little bit to protect the oceans, the oceans might just get better!

Blue Planet 2 (2017)
2017 / United Kingdom / Documentary / James Honeyburne / David Attenborough

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