Concluding remarks (retranslated)

Jerrod 2021-11-14 08:01:25

We all became Hamlet, mistakenly treating our father and enemy as king. Kennedy met us in our American dream, and he forced us to consider the question: What is our constitution? What is the value of our lives? When the president is suspiciously murdered, the entire judiciary will only tremble and be helpless. What is the future of this kind of democracy?

We've all become Hamlets in our country,
children of a slain father-leader...
...whose killers still possess the throne. The ghost of John F. Kennedy confronts us with
the secret murder at the heart of the American Dream .
of He ON US Forces at The appalling Questions:
? of the What IS Our Constitution Made
? Our Lives Worth the What are
the What IS A at The Future of Democracy A President is the WHERE
CAN BE assassinated an under suspicious CIRCUMSTANCES
? the while at The Machinery of Legal Action scarcely Trembles

there will be How many political murders can be described as heart attack, suicide, cancer, and drug overdose? How many planes and car crashes will happen on the eve of the exposure of the truth?

How many more political murders disguised as
heart attacks suicides, cancers, drug overdoses?
How many plane and car crashes will occur
before they are exposed for what they are?

A British poet wrote, "Treachery, never succeeds", why? Because it succeeds, no one calls it treachery. The American people have never watched the Zapruder film. Why? The American people have never seen real X-rays and autopsy photos. Why? There are hundreds of documents that help to prove this conspiracy. Why does the government seize them and burn them? When our offices and people ask these questions and ask to view materials, our government will always answer: national security secrets. Our president has been murdered. What national security secrets are there? What kind of national security secrets allow us to take away the rights of the people and allow us to invisible government? That kind of national security, when it sounds so, feels so, and looks so, you can call it: fascism!

"Treason doth never prosper," wrote an English poet.
What's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.
The American public has yet to see the Zapruder film.
The American public has yet to see
the real X -rays and autopsy photographs.
Hundreds of documents could help prove this conspiracy.
Why are they being withheld or burned by the government?
When my office or you, the people,
asked those questions, demanded evidence...
...the answer from on high has always been:
national security.
What kind of national security do we have
when we're robbed of our leaders?
What national security permits the removal...
...of fundamental power from the people and
validates the ascendancy of an invisible government
in the Unite States?
The kind of national security is...
when it smells like it,
feels like it,
and looks like it...
you call it what it is: Fascism!

These documents are yours, the property of the people, and you paid for it! But the government may think that you are too naive and that you will be confused by the truth, or it may think that you will be too agitated and privately executed the relevant personnel, so it will take 75 years for you to see this information. I'm forty years old, and I can't wait for that day. But I told my eight-year-old son to keep him in good health so that on a glorious morning in September 2038, he would walk into the National Archives to find out the truth concealed by the CIA and FBI. They may postpone the time again, and this may even be a matter of generations-fathers pass the problem to their sons, from generation to generation... But someone will find the damn truth one day, somewhere. .

These documents are yours.
The people's property.
You pay for it.
But as the government sees you as children
... who might be too disturbed to face this reality...
...or because you might lynch those involved ... cannot see these documents for another 75 years. I'm in my 40s... I'll have "shuffled off this mortal coil" by then.
But I'm telling my eight -year-old son
to keep himself physically fit that one glorious September morning, in 2038...
...he can go to the National Archives
and learn what the CIA and FBI knew.
They may push it back then.
It may become a generational affair.
Questions passed from parent to child.
But someday,
someone may find out the damn truth.

I hope so! Otherwise, we have to build a new government by ourselves. As the Declaration of Independence said, “If the government is no longer a tool for the rights of the people, then the people have the right to overthrow it and rebuild it. An American naturalist poet wrote:” A patriot must always be prepared to fight the government to defend his country. "I am very reluctant to be where you are today, because you have seen evidence that the public cannot see.

We better.
Or we might just as well build
ourselves another government
... like the Declaration of Independence says to,
when the old one don't work.
Just a bit farther out West. An American naturalist wrote:
"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country...
...against its government."
I'd hate to be in your shoes today.
You have a lot to think about.
You've seen evidence the public hasn't seen.

Recalling our childhood, most people think justice Will come to us naturally. Virtue is the best reward for virtue. Justice will eventually overcome evil. But when we grow up, we begin to understand that things are not necessarily like this. It is not easy for a person to insist on the truth, because Truth is often threatened by power and we often have to take great risks to fight against them.

Going back to when we were children...
...I think most of us in this courtroom
thought justice came automatically.
That virtue was its own reward.
That good triumphs over evil.
But as we get older we know this isn't true.
Individual human beings have to create justice,
and this is not easy...
...because the truth often poses a threat to power. ..
...and one often has to fight power
at great risk to themselves.

I have an envelope here with about eight thousand dollars in it, sent from all over the country. There are two cents, one cent, one yuan... from housewives, plumbers, car salesmen, teachers, disabled people... they are not rich. Some of them are driving, some are working as nurses in the hospital, and they are watching their son being sent to Vietnam. Why? Because they care, because they want to know the facts, because they want to get their country back, because as long as we still fight for our faith, this country will still be ours. Truth is the highest value we pursue. If it no longer exists, if the government conceals the truth, if we no longer respect those people, then this is no longer the country where I was born, and it is no longer what I am willing to do for it. A country that strives for life.

I have here some $8,000 in these letters...
...sent from all over the country.
Quarters, dimes, dollars from housewives...
... plumbers, car salesmen, teachers, invalids.
These are people
who cannot afford to send money but do.
People who drive cars...
...who nurse in hospitals...
...who see their kids go to Vietnam.
Because they care.
Because they want to know the truth.
Because they want their country back.
Because it still belongs to us
as long as the people have the guts to
fight for what they believe in.
The truth is the most important value we have,
because if it doesn'tendure...
.. .if the government murders truth...
...if we cannot respect these people...
...then this is not the country I was born in,
or the country I want to die in.我们

…人民,jury , Sitting here today to judge Clay Shaw, represents the hope of citizens fighting the government. Here, I implore the jury to fulfill its obligation to convict Clay Shaw. Don't ask what the country can do for you? I want to ask what you can do for the country? Don't forget, your dead king. Let the world know that this is still a country owned, governed by, and enjoyed by the people. In our lifetime, nothing is more important than this. (Turning to the jury) It's all up to you.

We, the people,
the jury system sitting in judgment on Clay Show...
...represent the hope...
...of humanity against government power.
In discharging your duty... bring a first conviction
in this house of cards against Clay Shaw...
"...ask not what your country can do for you...
...but what you can do for your country."
Do not forget...
...your dying king.
Show this world...
...this is still a government
"of the people,by the people and for the people."
Nothing as long as you live will ever be more important.
It's up to you.

View more about JFK reviews

Extended Reading
  • Helmer 2022-03-23 09:01:41

    9.4/10 What is even more shocking than the conspiracy is the male supporting cast, which is also a bit eclipsed by the actress and the middle-aged superstar Joe Pesci, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary, the old driver, Jimin Meng, Walter, Matthew Michael Captain Luke Yondu, Jay Sanders. The Shawnk Warden Kevin Bacon, the old Sutherland Edward Asner Seinfeld, who only appeared on TV 2, the big fat guy, the soundtrack actually found John Williams, and the photography was actually Robert Richardson, beautiful on the big screen, is already guessing who the master is.

  • Sherman 2022-03-22 09:01:35

    Praise for the courage to make this film to explore the truth

JFK quotes

  • David Ferrie: Man, you don't leave the Agency. Once you're in they got you for life!

  • Lyndon B. Johnson: You just get me elected, and I'll give you your damned war.