This protagonist is unbelievable

Yvonne 2022-04-28 06:01:02

What an unexpected ending.

When I first saw the title of this film, I thought it was a poignant love story. I just don't understand at the end, why Rowena's partner has so many perverted intimate photos with her friends, which once pulled the audience into the doubts of whether this partner was a perverted murderer, but the ending turned. Turning again, it was Rowena who planned the murder by herself. No wonder Rowena did not let her partner monitor her conversations with the wealthy businessman when she seduced wealthy businessman Harrison Hill on the Internet.

Thinking about it, Rowena was actually a victim. She was sexually abused by her father (probably her stepfather) since she was a child. Her mother beat her stepfather to death out of anger. The mother and daughter buried the body in their backyard late at night. The scene was seen by the little girl in the neighbor's house. The little girl later became Rowena's good friend, but it can be seen from the footage from the back that this so-called good friend reminded Rowena all the time that she saw that scene and forced Rowena to finally have to give up for her mother. Poison hands.

In today's society, it is true that everyone has an unspeakable secret, just like that partner, who has vulgar hobbies, but is a top computer engineer; in today's society, good people don't always do good deeds all the time, and there are times when they are greedy for petty gains. Bad people don't do bad things all the time, and they also have moments of heart-wrenching behavior. Well, we should sympathize with such a woman who was beautiful in appearance, had an excellent job, and suffered misfortune in her childhood, but in the end she killed two of her best friends and framed a wealthy businessman who had nothing to do with her. Or should it be spurned?

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Perfect Stranger quotes

  • Ro: [exasperated] She was stalking the guy for Chrissakes!

  • Ro: Just make sure I'm working for Hill