The legend of No. 42: What would you do in the face of discrimination?

Ellen 2022-04-22 06:01:02

When faced with discrimination, everyone may cry, make trouble, and try to solve the discrimination. Today, what I want to introduce is that Jackie, the protagonist of "Legend of No. 42", uses his strength to prove himself and use his strength to break the race. discriminate.

The story takes place in the United States after World War II. Although slavery in the United States has been abolished for a long time, there are still many areas where the racial segregation policy is still implemented, and the ubiquitous racial prejudice still strongly affects all social classes. Jackie was in the black team at that time. And the owner of a Royal team, Blanche, wanted to find a black player, but only Jackie's profile attracted him. He hired Jackie, but his teammates and white audience on the field were scolding him and attacking him. he

And he conquered his teammates with his strength, and the teammates protested collectively, but they were all scolded by the head coach, so he practiced harder, he helped the team enter the major league, and his teammates gradually let go Discrimination against Jackie, in a game, the coach of the next team has been scolding him and discriminating against him, so he played abnormally

With a double whammy, he finally broke down, he was out, he stood in the entry hall and slammed the baseball bat against the wall, squatting in the corner and crying, which shows that when you're stressed, you take everything The negative energy was vented, which also prompted him to win the game 8-0. At the same time, he also won the respect of some white people. However, the deadly serial letters caused him to panic again. The white audience And the police told him to get out of the field. Under so much pressure, his score is getting higher and higher, but black people are still being discriminated against. When his wife came here for the first time, the toilet door said white, There was also a toilet with black written on it. She couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. She felt the cruelty of ethnic discrimination. When she faced discrimination, what she cared about most was Jackie. On the court, his opponent was black because he was black. So he broke Jackie's forehead with a powerful touch ball, and another white man stepped on Jackie's right calf when Jackie was defending the base. In the end, Jackie defeated the racism with super willpower , became a member of the Hall of Fame

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  • Ben Chapman: Hey, Stanky, what's it like bein' a nigger's nigger?

    Eddie Stanky: I dunno, Chapman, what's it like bein' a redneck piece of shit?

  • Pee Wee Reese: Maybe tomorrow, we'll all wear 42, so nobody could tell us apart.

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