Others are hell

Clovis 2022-03-21 09:02:47

Polanski's films forever discuss control and power

The most difficult thing to shoot is this kind of psychological drama with two or three people talking. It is the most difficult to make it not boring. I don’t dare to make this kind of drama without a deep perception of people. The first thing to have perception of people is to perceive oneself. In addition to talent, self-examination must also have pain. characteristics. Two or three films have extremely high demands on performances, lines, and the scheduling of scenes, and few directors dare to try. Polanski counts as one.

Especially like this kind of two or three psychodrama

The later film "Killing" continued the style of the film: four people, two men and two women, dialogue, dialogue, discussion, quarrel, mockery, disgust

"The Immoral Trial" is also one woman, two men, sex lies and power, sin, trial and revenge

There is also "Venus in Furs" full of two people dialogue dialogue dialogue sadomasochism and power

Two men are jealous and the woman is watching and mocking, just like the scene in "Wild Strawberry": three people hitchhiking, two men and one woman, the men are always arguing, and then they fight in the grass

"Wild Strawberry" director Bergman said in his autobiography "The Magic Lamp" about his childhood: When other children went into the water to play, he stood on the shore and talked about the useless social genius Nietzsche

And Polanski quotes Nietzsche by cowardly rapist in The Immoral Trial: You can never get a woman's soul

"The Immoral Judgment"

And Buñuel's "The Obscure Purpose of Desire" also quotes Nietzsche when he talks about the relationship between men and women

"The Obscure Purpose of Desire" Nietzsche's original sentence is: Where to go to women? don't forget to bring your whip

Those who like Nietzsche are art film masters and like to discuss sex, desire, power, will, death and a non-existent God, all too human

If you want to read the films of the masters, go to Nietzsche

If you read Freud together, you can understand most of the art films

Attached is a shot of the movie:

The railing in the lower left corner, exposing the presence of the lens

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Knife in the Water quotes

  • Andrzej: When I was an apprentice helmsman, we had a bosun - Krystyna, what was his name? The guy with the willow. He'd say: see that willow? It was an oak. If the bosun says it's a willow, it's a willow. "To the willow, quick march!"

    Young Boy: Shit. Excuse me. So much water in there.

    Andrzej: We'd sit on that willow maybe an hour at a time.

    Young Boy: On that oak.

    Andrzej: Willow, for us. And he made us go "cuckoo".

    Young Boy: Made you do what?

    Andrzej: Make a cuckoo sound. Like the bird.

    Young Boy: And you cuckooed.

    Andrzej: He wasn't all that smart but he turned us into men.

  • Andrzej: Better get back to that line.

    Young Man: Who are you ordering around?

    Andrzej: If two men are on board, one's the skipper.

    Young Man: Or the drill sergeant.