Please go back to the perched tree

Sammy 2022-03-20 09:02:33

After the accident, the teenager Spivey felt deeply guilty about the death of his younger brother Layton, thinking that his parents were blaming and alienating him, so he decided to flee. But at the end of the film, when my father carried TS on his back, I understood that parents may never blame their children, and they will only blame themselves when children make mistakes. Lack of communication between close relatives can also create estrangement. We are like sparrows. No matter how high we fly, we will eventually find the tree we perch on, and our parents are the trees. Maybe we never realized this when we grew up. I want to say to all the children who leave home: please go back to the trees you perch on!

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The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet quotes

  • Dr. Clair: Mediocrity is a fungus of the mind.

  • Smithsonian President: Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein