Not everything has to be so serious.
Enjoy being who you are. Just be yourself
Live inthe now. Embrace that shit.
Campared to other kids, I haven`t had that many hardship. Compared with other young people, I haven't experienced much frustration
Not really .You know,shit`s happened. Nothing of course
stuff has happened, sure. There will definitely be upset
But the real challenge in my life. the red hardship
It` always been me.As long as I can remember,
I`ve never not been afraid. Afraid of failure...
of letting people down... hurting people...
getting hurt. Before, if I kept my guard up and
focused on other thing, other people.
if I couldn`t even feel it, then no harm would come to me.
I screwed up, Not only did I shut out the pain. I shut out everything.
the good and the bad until there was nothing
It`s fine to just live in the now.
but the best part about now is there is anoter one tomorrow.
And I`m gonna start making them count. I want to start to have a fulfilling life
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