#watchingnotes# Unpretentious knowledge points about sugar

Dusty 2022-08-19 00:32:40

Just remember the knowledge points that are inspiring to me.

1. The history of sugar:

Sugar was introduced to Europe in the 12th century and became a noble consumer product;

The death of former U.S. President Eisenhower of a heart attack in 1955 sparked discussions in two camps: fat and sugar;

In the late 1970s, sugar was believed to be the culprit of heart disease, and low-fat campaigns began, but sugar was added to food to improve taste.

2. Types of sugar

Glucose Glucose: the energy substance of life

Lactose: Found in dairy products

Sucrose Sucrose: =50%glucose+50%Fructose (fructose)

3. There are 4g of sugar in one apple, and a cup of apple juice needs 4 apples, totaling 16g of sugar. When we eat an apple, we can get all kinds of nutrients and the right amount of sugar at the same time, but we invent a juicer to extract the excess sugar.

4. TOFI: thin on the outside, fat on the inside.

5. Processed foods use the bliss point to add sugar

6. After sugar enters the brain:

1⃣️Look: a cue or trigger (picture/food) visually stimulates the brain to release dopamine

2⃣️Eat: taste the sweetness, the brain releases opioids and endorphins to make people excited, the effect is similar to nicotine, cocaine, sex, and the duration is short

3⃣️When the frequency of our consumption of sugar increases, the brain will build up this happy feeling of reward, which is easily stimulated by the picture of sugar.

4⃣️Fructose affects the eating center, and glucose affects mood

7. The more sugary foods you eat, the more you want to eat them

Food manufacturers hide sugar in various "healthy foods" and lay traps everywhere in our lives. Just saw a yogurt with a big "zero added" written yesterday:

Another look at the ingredients:

? ? ?

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