terrorism is horrible

Tre 2022-03-21 09:02:00

When 9/11 happened in 2001, I didn't feel anything. For me at that time, I had just moved from the county seat to the university, and had no world view. I have no interest in politics or American hegemony since I was a child. Therefore, the terrifying incident of a plane crashing into a building on the other side of the ocean that shocked the world did not shock me, nor did I have too many thoughts.

The understanding of the world and the image of the United States is a gradual process in the years after graduation. Of course, everyone's image of the world or America is very self-centered, and no one has God's perspective. Regardless of whether the perception of the United States comes from the official media or the people, it is impossible to present the real America in its entirety.

Of course, terrorism is the enemy of all mankind, and this is politically correct globally. Regardless of national/ethnic conflicts and wars, terror against the public is outrageous! When kidnapped by terrorists, should we acquiesce to our destiny or should we rebel? They are all dead, and there is still a chance of resistance in the end. So, it is better to resist bravely! The people of Flight 93 fought bravely, although the ending was so tragic.

After the chaos in the cockpit of the plane, the picture and sound came to an abrupt end. Such silence is more disturbing and heavy. As the fourth hijacked plane of the day, they wrecked another horror hit target success with their own crash. For myself, but also for this heroic feat.

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Extended Reading

United 93 quotes

  • Thomas E. Burnett, Jr.: Hey, this is a suicide mission. We have to do something. They are not gonna land this plane.

  • Honor Elizabeth Wainio: Hi, Mom, it's me. I'm on the plane that's been hijacked. I'm just calling to tell you that I love you, and goodbye. This really kind woman handed me the phone and she said to call you.