Dahlia 2022-12-19 12:44:53

First of all, today is Christmas Eve. I just complained about my life about this movie, which seems to have nothing to do with the movie.

I like the first one more than the second one.
Although the score is not high, I cycled the singles of the riff off and final compte songs of these two movies for a long time.
Using Acapella to interpret lBillboard's number one and two songs is simply a show of coquettish talent.

I can’t use words to describe my love for the heroine AK. With her voice and performance on stage, living by her side should be like watching a TV series. It's no wonder she herself said in the interview that when I was free, I would have a bitch face, and then made an expression of being empty by myself. Sure enough, Bitch. But it can't stop her love. No wonder she will fall in love with Edgar, the director of the British cult combination of Three Musketeers. Although they have only dated for 4 years, it also shows that there is a generation gap in age. But their horoscopes are so good. AK is a lion; EW is Aries. I like the sound of AK, which has a stable and explosive power and attracts people's hearts. And she seems to be born for the stage. If she makes a movie, the performance may be a bit overwhelming. He can be the host. When she was on the show, she was a real life treasure, and she was able to hold the atmosphere. I didn't like his looks, he looked fierce and uncomfortable. But just listening to him sing, you can’t help but like her. Tutored some of her previous movies. It was discovered that she was really not good at acting. This person is a dramatic person and looks unreal. In up in the air, he is just playing a girl who lives in his own drama and unearthly world, so it is very suitable for the movie. It would be nice if the performance could be collected a little later.
But he can't be blamed, the actors may be a little overreact. I saw it in the hospital. Think of yourself as the protagonist in a movie or something. This is also the reason why I think "Fuck You Tumor" shouldn't be put on the screen. In real life, if there is no such group of friends, if there is no handsome doctor, if there is no good patient. People still have to take the initiative to contact this society and get help. Life and drama are not the same.

I love this series very much, and hope that there will be no next season, even though it seems to have been bought now. The main reason is that the first one is quite difficult to break through. If you pay attention to details, you can discover the ingenuity of the first director. He wanted to show a kind of American culture, which is to bring together different races and different weirdos to show the necessity of integration.
And the second part is completely gimmicky. But the flaws are not concealed, because even though the plot is super bad, it can't stop so many Acapella's talents from overflowing in this movie. It is also a kind of fusion. The cohesion of talents and the charm displayed in the chorus are touching. This is why I wrote this movie review in the original intention-the teacher asked me to count the number of people who would not be in the dormitory on the 24th night, and to report their name and phone number. There are 58 people in the class. Seven or eight out of every 10 people replied to me that they were going to the hospital on duty. I replied to Apple’s emoji, wishing them all the best on Christmas Eve and not accepting patients.

PF in the second season is also about the stories of young women who went their separate ways and pursued their dreams to find jobs. If the next season is about graduate students who have passed the entrance examination of the Music School and went to the Music Department, it would be interesting. I don’t know if I will go out of the line of Friends.

The director of the second season is the hostess in the movie. I think people who often talk about feminism are not feminist, and they often ridicule women who are unfortunate and fear women. Because charity and sympathy are innate abilities of human beings, and both human beings have them. It is different from dedication. It is a stubborn person who is stimulated to say that women are not good. I am afraid that there are many hidden cultures that really cause women to not receive equal treatment at work. Of course, we can't complain, after all, many female compatriots are very disappointed. I think that if women can stop being careless about relationships, men can no longer care about things. The world will be very beautiful.

Looking back at what I wrote, I don’t know what I’m going to say
Chorus and collective are twisted together, and co-creation is a wonderful thing. I remember that when we were welcoming the new year, the classmates braved the wind and ran to the playground to practice chorus. I was so moved that I almost cried. . . Maybe this is the meaning of Akabella.
It's hard to be a doctor, but I will continue. After all, I like it, and everyone is like that.
Communication between men and women is also very difficult.
Recently I completed a series of things before the deadline, and I feel that my heart disease is about to occur. Every night, I listen to the theme song looping of this play, and I feel a sense of power.
I went to bed at 9 o'clock yesterday, and I forgot all the dreams I had in the evening in the morning. It feels so good.

My mother said, you can give birth to a child, I watched, and then you go to do scientific research.
In fact, I think raising a child is something that can be studied.
But there is no boyfriend yet.

I think Angelina and Brad can be adopted and natural to observe the growth of
adopted children and it’s nothing bad.

I think that strengthening the spleen and soothing the liver is a good idea; in addition, it is also a good idea to cultivate earth and produce gold.

I do not know what to say

hopes everything goes well.

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Pitch Perfect 2 quotes

  • Aubrey: Oh, we don't have ladders. Ladders represent a social hierarchy that's counterproductive to what we're trying to do here.

  • Chloe: You seem so tense. Do you need a backrub?

    Beca: Several body parts are rubbing my back right now, thank you.