4400, my favorite American drama

Emmie 2022-12-05 23:20:52

The American TV series "Prison Break" was all the rage a while ago. Several people recommended it to me. Sitting on the bus, the people in the back row were asking each other how many seasons they were watching. Everyone said it was good. When I was wondering why it looked so good, someone offered our house a set of "Prison Break" DVDs, and we watched with anticipation.
At first, I thought that the TV series made by Americans were very good, like movies, with fast pacing, and the plots were tense and exciting. But if you watch more, you will find that the plot is actually very stylized, and most of it is this kind of routine: two clues, one clue tells the conspiracy or mystery behind it, which runs through the whole plot, and is also the most fascinating and attracts you to read down. In fact, the progress of this clue is very slow, and there is not much to explain in each episode; the other clue has a pattern in each episode, such as "Prison Break", where an obstacle is set up, the protagonist breaks the obstacle, and another obstacle appears in the next episode, the protagonist again Gotta find a way to break down the barriers. In short, I got impatient and jumped to see what the big conspiracy was behind it. When I realized the "big conspiracy" of the American TV industry, I gave up completely because it kept releasing one and two seasons. , three seasons, four seasons ... endless, earn advertising fees.
However, I have a special liking for the American TV drama "4400", which is a science fiction film, and I was not always interested in science fiction films before. The story tells that many people have been taken away by aliens in the past 100 years. One day in July 2004, the US National Security Agency discovered that a comet was flying towards the earth at a high speed, endangering the safety of the people on earth. Countries around the world (including China) have launched missiles at the comet to destroy it, but it has no effect. Finally, the comet landed on the edge of a lake. After a white fog dissipated, 4,400 people who disappeared in different ages appeared by the lake, and their bodies remained the same as when they disappeared. Eventually, when these 4,400 people entered the society, people, including themselves, discovered that these 4,400 people had superhuman abilities. Later, I learned that these 4,400 people were not taken away by aliens, but were taken by future people. After giving them various special functions, they were sent back. While giving them special functions, they also gave them a major mission. : Save humanity! And these 4,400 angels of salvation also inadvertently brought the demons that hinder this mission...
I am amazed that the screenwriters can make up so many special functions. Even the immortals in "Journey to the West" or "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" can't keep up with the skills. The soul goes out of the body, heals all diseases, heals wounds automatically, foresees the future... This is not enough. Surprisingly, what is even more surprising is that some people can repair the genes of defective newborns and make them normal; some people's saliva can speed up his metabolism after being swallowed by others; some people's sweat can cause hallucinations, and Mind dialogue... Unlike myth and fantasy films, many supernatural powers are based on science. Americans' scientific awareness and imagination have to be admired.
The mode of the TV series is actually like what I said above, a core clue, coupled with a series of stereotyped plots, but the bizarre special functions and the fantasy of the future human destiny have produced a strong attraction, just checked the Internet, the first The ending of the four seasons can be downloaded, and I have something to do in a while.

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The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.