insulted and damaged

Alvena 2022-03-21 09:01:44

Social and philosophical insights, like many propositions in the natural sciences, require practical proof.

Tom thought so, and the organization held a moral reconstruction meeting to explain what he perceived as the openness of tolerance and acceptance that the villagers lacked.

No one was interested in listening to him, and no one thought there was something wrong with him or something he needed to correct.

With a shot, Tom's chance came. This shot signifies the gift of God: the coming of a woman in distress.

Her identity is mysterious. All Tom learned was that she was being chased by gangsters and that she stole a bone from the village dog named Moses, that's all.

He decides to accept him, and at the same time uses her as a test to explain to the villagers whether they lack an open mind to accept. In the next six months, Tom will have enough opportunities to use her to prove the ideological career he has been painstakingly working on, and even continue his novel dream.

Ok. As if it were a game.

The first two weeks were a probationary period, and the villagers decided to decide whether to leave or stay based on her performance.

Before her is a daunting task, in order to survive, she must conquer everyone's heart.

Tom's idea is that she goes to each house to help for an hour a day. The villagers, like all of us, did not admit to needing any help. It is enough for each family to sweep the snow in front of their own door. Who needs the help of an unknown woman? No, no need.

A frustrated Grace must immediately find a way to break in. By the way, since everyone doesn't need help, there are always things that don't need to be done, you can let me do it.

So it was supposed to help her out of the predicament, and each family had a lot of things for her to do. Physically, spiritually.

Two weeks passed quickly, and Grace won everyone's heart. Fifteen bells tolled, representing fifteen willing hearts. Even love came.

If the film ends here, everyone in the audience can rest easy. But sorry, you are not reading fairy tales.

A no-nonsense director can't possibly allow this to end, and so is life.

Everyone seems to have improved their lives, even their souls, because of Grace's arrival, she brought them, she was a gift, wasn't she.

In exchange, they accepted her and covered her.

Things started to change with the second arrival of the police, who started posting about her possibly being a wanted suspect.

The newly created balance of interests begins to break: protecting a suspect requires taking greater risks, and they certainly have a reason to demand more benefits to balance the risks they take.

Grace began doubling the amount of manual labor and was paid less. officially enslaved. At the same time, the villagers put themselves on a high moral level (of course, they didn't commit crimes and even saved others). Social discrimination begins to emerge.

The breaking of the balance of interests obviously brings the oppression of one party to the other.

Please imagine that this is a very small village, and civilization has already put an end to them. No one came down the mountain, and even though Tom's father had a radio, he didn't use it for news.

So, unlike what we call a civilized society, oppression begins to show its naked side. In addition to contempt and squeeze of labor, there is naturally carnal desire.

Of course, civilization still exists, and it is precisely because they have justice in their hearts that they cannot tolerate the lawlessness of such a wanted criminal. What's more, this village is both dogmatic and abstinent. Just like our other villages.

"People are all the same greedy, but the country people are less successful, and some will burst their stomachs when they eat." Someone said so.

So she was imprisoned. And be careful not to express insight into people, it will make them terrified and therefore angry.

At the beginning, the porcelain man that Grace was delighted to exchange for her labor remuneration was shattered together with the beautiful dream she had for this village.

Now, she has a chance to choose again, which is an ideal dream for many people who have the same experience but did not come from such a background. a dramatic ending.

Should she have compassion. Seeing these villagers change in an instant, the poor and weak.

She chose to be the sanctioner. Now that she has the power, she feels that it is necessary to get rid of this village for this country, this society, and all mankind. Perhaps more mountain villages will continue to be eliminated. Those who have experienced it themselves must be licked by the former abuser.

This should be equal -- at least it sounds logical. Isn't it.

And the humble philosopher Tom, finally confirmed his own insight - confirmed under this gift from God. It was brought by the sound of gunfire and was eventually taken away by the sound of gunfire.

It's just that he didn't even think of the ending. He was also a member of the violence, and was eventually eliminated by violence.

There's only one dog left in Dogtown, and if you've ever visited there, maybe you thought that's why the town got its name, and maybe you'd be right.
When Grace first came here, she stole a bone, which was probably the only thing she owed here.

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Extended Reading

Dogville quotes

  • Narrator: How could she ever hate them for what was at bottom merely their weakness? She would probably have done things like those that had befallen her if she had lived in one of these houses. To measure them by her own yardstick, as her father put it. Would she not, in all honesty, have done the same as Chuck and Vera and Ben and Mrs Henson and Tom and all these people in their houses? Grace paused and as she did, the clouds scattered and let the moonlight through, and Dogville underwent another of those little changes of light. It was as if the light previously so merciful and faint finally refused to cover up for the town any longer. Suddenly, you could no longer imagine a berry that would appear one day on a gooseberry bush, but only see the thorn that was there right now. The light now penetrated every unevenness and flaw in the buildings and in the people. And all of a sudden, she knew the answer to her question all too well. If she had acted like them, she could not have defended a single one of her actions and could not have condemned them harshly enough. It was as if her sorrow and pain finally assumed their rightful place. No. What they had done was not good enough. And if one had the power to put it to rights, it was one's duty to do so - for the sake of other towns, for the sake of humanity and not least, for the sake of the human being that was Grace herself.

  • Narrator: [as McKay explores even further with his hand] It was not Grace's pride that kept her going during the days when fall came and the trees were losing their leaves, but more of a trance like state that descends on animals whose lives are threatened - a state in which the body reacts mechanically in a low tough gear, without too much painful reflection. Like a patient passively letting his disease hold sway.