Boss Paul Vitti:
Whoever did that thing to you-know-who, that good friend of mine, they're trying to do that to me now, and I'm having a lot of feelings about that. And I'm... and I'm trying to get some... some...
Dr. Ben Sobel:
Boss Paul Vitti:
...closure on that, ya know?
What kind of feelings?
Boss Paul Vitti:
I'm... I'm very angry, I'm feeling very angry about that. I'm... I'm really... uh... I'm enraged, I'm feeling very, very mad about that.
So why are you telling me?
Boss Paul Vitti:
Why am I telling you? Like you don't know nothing about it, huh? You don't know... what?
I don't know what your talking about.
Boss Paul Vitti:
Okay, whatever, whatever. I'm just trying to...
Dr. Ben Sobel:
"Tell you about my feelings..."
Boss Paul Vitti:
...tell you about my feelings and that, uh...
Dr. Ben Sobel:
"I'm angry..."
Boss Paul Vitti:
...I'm angry and... and that anger is a...
Dr. Ben Sobel:
"Blocked wish...?"
Boss Paul Vitti:
...a blocked wish. And I'm looking forward to seeing you... next week at that thing, and then I can... unblock that angered wish... and then hopefully... hopefully you make one more move on me you motherfucker I'll fuckin' cut your fuckin' balls off I'll shove them up your fuckin' ass, I'll fuckin' bury you, I'll put fuckin' ice picks in your eyes, I'll chop your fuckin' eyeballs, I'll send them to your fuckin' family so they can eat 'em for dessert. You understand me?
Hey Paul...
Boss Paul Vitti:
Fuck you.
Boss Paul Vitti:
You motherfucker!
[to Moony]
You get a dictionary and find out what this "closure" is. If that's what he's going to hit us with, I want to know what it is
Boss Paul Vitti:
[to Dr. Sobel]
Yeah. How was that?
Dr. Ben Sobel:
It was going great until the... cutting off of the balls and shoving it up his ass.