
Cara 2022-04-21 09:02:37

Nolan's debut, [Following], presents a stunning "suit within a set" with black and white visual effects in 70 minutes. The neat and delicate picture, with the narration of the bass male voice, creates the illusion of elegance.
The three suspense dramas I have watched, without exception, use the misplaced timeline to outline the plot ingeniously and confusingly. The most amazing is undoubtedly the [Amnesia] four years ago. The constant flashbacks and the black and white sequence interspersed between them create a memory puzzle for the viewers with the intermittent amnesia of the protagonist. And like the new work [Deadly Magic], [Following] unfolds in parallel in three lines, gradually unraveling the knot as the confusion deepens, and at the end, I suddenly feel unfinished.
In fact, the three films are all about traps and costs. [Following] is a pure trap. This too-smart setter has introduced the stalker who was originally in a mysterious position, and the latter threw himself into the trap with one step. [Amnesia]'s trap came from the amnesia himself, who paid the price of doubting anyone for revenge. The funny thing is that he can never remember the thrill of revenge, and even he can't fully believe it. [Deadly Magic] made it clear that magic itself is a lie and a trap. The two men went from brothers to intrigue, and they were destined to pay the price.
The layout of [Amnesia] is really wonderful and amazing. I read it three times, and each time it seems to have a new discovery. [Deadly Magic] The blade is still the same, but it feels a little far-fetched to watch it for the second time. And the [Following] I watched yesterday, because of its refined sharpness, is currently my favorite.


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Following quotes

  • Bill: When I started to follow people, specific people, when I selected a person to follow, that's when the trouble started.

  • Bill: That's it, unless you have any questions.