It's fun to watch when you're angry!

Jordan 2022-03-20 09:02:13

I went to watch this movie at Wanda Cinema, the ticket was 75, and the lady was half price that day. I watched the movie because I had just had a tug-of-war with my husband at home. He was afraid that my tears would not stop, so he took me out to relax, which was actually a trivial matter. .First I played Whack-a-Mole in Wanda's game hall. I found that after a woman is angry, doing some violent activities is good for the body and mind. My hit rate turned out to be 100%. After watching the movie, I feel refreshed The air is refreshing, and the women are also very powerful, haha, it is educational for the gentleman!

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Extended Reading

DOA: Dead or Alive quotes

  • Tina Armstrong: How the hell are we supposed to get up there?

    Kasumi: We better get going.

    Christie Allen: Well, you're both on your own. I don't do teams.

    Tina Armstrong: Well that's fine with me, any team you're part of is bound to lose anyway.

    Christie Allen: Well I'll remember that when I'm collecting the $10 Million.

  • Kasumi: [after landing way off course from the site] ... It's a sign.

    Tina Armstrong: Look little Miss Zen Master. This isn't Karate Kid, it's DOA... as in Dead or Alive, as in 10 million dollars...

    Kasumi: [points to a sign] You don't understand. It's a sign.