
Jarvis 2022-03-21 09:02:32

The Iranian film salesman was unsurprisingly awarded the best foreign language film, and of course it deserved it for the quality of the film.

The tone of the whole piece is like oil painting, and many pictures have a kind of serene beauty, and in the serenity, some metaphors are inevitably added, just like the double bed with gorgeous sheets under the cracks in the wall at the beginning of the whole film .

The script is also very good. From why the house was moved, to the gossip of various neighbors during the move, to why the heroine stayed at home alone, to the whispers of the surrounding people after the attack, and finally her husband's revenge, the whole plot went smoothly. There is no trace of performance, no wonder it can get the best screenplay of the Palme d'Or. And the male protagonist, from the prudent and harmless university teacher who mingled with his students at the beginning, to the violent man who quarreled with his colleagues and spoke harshly to the students and even locked the claustrophobic patient in the bathroom, his eyes ranged from gentle to tired, and he was completely worthy of the Palme d'Or. The title of Best Actor.

One of my favorite scenes, however, was the door that the heroine easily opened.

There is a scene in the first half of the movie where the male protagonist is in a taxi and is asked to change seats by a female passenger. After that, his students told him not to be angry. He said calmly: "She must have been hurt in some way", and the female protagonist can She even opened the door to take a shower after she was not sure that her husband had returned home and closed the door. This means that the heroine used to be a woman who had never been hurt and had no sense of defense against society. This is not common in Iran itself. of.

The shot of the door slowly opening lasted for a while, giving the audience a hunch that something bad might happen. Everything after that is a black box, and the heroine was seriously injured and sent to the hospital. How did you get hurt? Why get hurt? All this has been the main line of the film after that. And the male lead's skills are also reflected at this time. He is in conflict between calling the police and not calling the police, and finally gave up calling the police at the request of his wife. He asked his wife, "What else did he do?" He may want to ask if you have been raped, and he is afraid to know that his wife has been raped, so he decides to obey his wife's wishes and not call the police, but he decides to find the murderer himself. His man's pride would not allow it to go as easily as his wife wanted.

In the end, the male protagonist found the murderer, an old man with a heart attack who accidentally broke into his house.

The female protagonist asked the male protagonist to let the murderer go.

In the last scene of the salesman's death, the male protagonist committed suicide. The female protagonist cried to the dead male protagonist and said, "Darling, please forgive me, I will not cry anymore. But why did you do this?"

I think the director wants to show this modern independent woman, she doesn't want the frightened Iranian woman in the taxi, she is independent, confident, hurt, PTSD, but can also decide to forget about it, let herself go, and her husband , like most patriarchs in Iranian society, as a husband, he can't bear the humiliation of his wife's humiliation, so he can't let go of the murderer, and he can't let go of himself.

At the end of the whole film, they put on makeup again, and the tired eyes of the two people look together, obviously indicating that this is no longer the happy couple that they were at the beginning.

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The Salesman quotes

  • Naser: Why did your wife open the door?

  • Babak: Degenerate is the one who speaks his mind through swearing.