I love fab5!!!

Icie 2022-10-28 19:41:48

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful. Tears every episode.

I can understand that the existence of this variety show is inseparable from the labels: queer, straight guy, change... If there are labels, there will be disputes, which is inevitable. But what impresses me is that these labels are not simple, rigid or rigid. Under these labels, there are complex people hidden. They are plump and three-dimensional. They are not born as labels, but For themselves and their loved ones.

There are both positive and negative things in human nature, trying to magnify the positive side, to love yourself and others, this is a very difficult but meaningful thing, it makes the world a better place.

In fact, many times, a person's lifestyle, dressing habits, etc., reflect their own heart to a certain extent. The content reflected may be tangled and contradictory, or it may be a kind of stability. I believe the meaning of fab5's existence is , so that entanglement becomes self-confidence, and the habitual numbness and stability become a new stimulus, so that people are better at discovering the beauty in life. It takes courage to try, and it's never too late to take this step. By experimenting, new meanings may be discovered.

What this variety show has taught me is not only to dress myself better, learn to cook delicious dishes, and bring out new ideas for home decoration, but more importantly, to make changes for better Be yourself and love others, be better at being kind to everything, and make life fun.

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