
Dora 2022-03-21 09:02:47

Photography is great! I especially like the part where the plane takes off at the break of dawn.

It seems that the directors of the two countries shot their own parts. I think it's good, but the localization is more down-to-earth. Because the difference between the two cultures is very big, and the film also shows this difference very realistically, and it is very coherent and has no sense of disobedience.

Neon seeks common ground while reserving differences, and unites as one. On the American side, there is a lot of mess and all kinds of disconnections. The film unfolds so unhurriedly, but the audience is always worried about both sides and slaps their thighs. It looks quite enjoyable. .

It is estimated that many details in the film were replayed by the US military itself, which is really confusing. Thinking of reading the book about World War II last year, I feel that fighting a war is really a fucking test of people's IQ. It's really hard to win. I deeply think that the big guys who can always win the battle are really awesome.

There are also lighthearted and humorous episodes in the film, such as the scientific puzzle of the jet lag between chef "Tanjiro" and his colleagues, and the design of the role of the wife of the leader of the Intelligence Service.

The one who played the Neon Air Force Captain did a great job with that sure-win light in his eyes! Very positive energy! Of course, these words must be put aside in terms of the matter itself, and it is only about the performance of the film. Do not misunderstand that I have any pro-Japanese sentiments!

Having said that, the ending of the film actually gives a different tone. This is not the main theme film that praises neon and belittles the US imperialists, because the winner of the war is really not whoever starts to win will win to the end. And in fact, he is anti-war and praises peace, because Yamamoto, who won this battle, actually regrets or is very helpless. After all, the situation in the back is out of control.

There is also a little inspiration. I think with regard to the failure of the U.S. military, I can think about how to combine it with my work. For example, if a bug occurs in production, if we trace the source, there must be more than one link problem. Do a good job in defect analysis to prevent It is very important to be wrong in the future!

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Tora! Tora! Tora! quotes

  • Lt. Cmdr. Fuchida: Warrant Officer Mizuki, signal all planes: "prepare to attack!"

  • Commander Minoru Genda: Everything is strangely quiet. The American anti-aircraft batteries haven't fired a shot! And no enemy fighters over the harbor, sir! We've done it! Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!"

    Commander Genda's Co-Pilot: And no enemy fighters over the harbor, sir!

    Commander Minoru Genda: We've done it! Send the message: "Tora! Tora! Tora!"