How cool is this show?

Kaitlin 2022-12-19 03:16:27

so cool! ! ! !

(The following content involves spoilers)

Allan Poe

An ancient war soldier who was resurrected by modern technology was commissioned by the most powerful person in the entire Federation to investigate a "suicide" case. He lived in a room called "The Crow" and the shop owner was an artificial intelligence called "Allen Poe". Allen Poe’s appearance is already too cool. Imagine a horror suspense (detective) drama with a character named "Allen Poe". He manages the "Raven Hotel". This artificial intelligence not only uses Ellen. Poe’s name and appearance, he also likes to study human behavior, but under the quirky appearance, he has a compassionate heart, or a processor, constantly persuading other artificial intelligence to see human beings, which are inferior life forms in their eyes. On the one hand, this setting is so cool.


A symbol appears at the end of each episode, suggesting the plot of the next episode. For example, at the end of the previous episode that tells the story of the two brothers and sisters killing their father, the symbol that appears is that two children are hugging each other.


The setting of the whole world was quickly established in the first two episodes. After each episode, some doubts of the audience will be answered. The behavior of the characters is supported by strong logic and is well-founded. The first is the bones civilization. Through the plot, it is known that Stack was invented by the real body called "Makita Nida", which is the female leader of the resistance army, and the techniques including body replication and consciousness transplantation are related to the winged bones civilization. Human beings have been able to expand in the universe, and the clues of the elder tree are also very obscure. I don’t understand it here. The fossils of the elder tree and the civilization of the elder tree are scattered in the play. Maybe subsequent episodes can be useful for this. Unfolding, the entire world view is so grand that any interstellar war and expansion can be separated into a chapter.

Consciousness transplantation

Human consciousness is stored in the Stack and can be attached to any body. The possible problems are explained in the drama: double rebirth, that is, the consciousness of the same person between cloned bodies, is set as an illegal behavior; Religious beliefs are written into the Stack code and cannot be modified. This is very interesting; the consciousness/soul in a body may be anyone, he or she may be hundreds of years old, and a young body is a real The souls who have gone through countless killings and separated countless times, the immortal rich man and his wife struggle to maintain their so-called loyalty and decay; the consciousness interrogation process, I believe many people are numb to the subject of "a day prisoner" Until a certain year, the Christmas special episode of "Black Mirror" once again implanted the fear of consciousness imprisonment into the brains of all audiences. What is the ultimate fear? The ultimate fear is that a person stays in the endless darkness for tens of thousands of years and the real world But for an instant, the male protagonist was subjected to various tortures in the virtual interrogation room. Under this torture, there was nothing I could not recruit. Let me say anything, but the male protagonist stopped his heartbeat and forcibly awakened it. Entity, when I saw this scene, I really expressed my heartfelt feelings, "There is still such a showy operation?" However, this is not over yet, and the audience will immediately question "What if you wake up, are you still tied up?", the screenwriter immediately gave it to you. After answering the question, the male protagonist recalled the previous counter-interrogation training in the Resistance Army. He seized the opportunity to distract and distract, grabbed the gun and slaughtered, and slaughtered a wave. This is the manifestation of the strong logic in the behavior of the characters I said. .


What is God? Is it the immortal Marsh class? Is he regarded as One True God, the younger sister of the male protagonist, a person who calls himself "Nobody", an old man controlled by his brother for a century? Or the compassionate Allan Poe artificial intelligence? There is no answer. Before the destruction of the Resistance Army, the female leader really invented the Stack technology to bring happiness to everyone. This person told everyone that the real enemy is not the government but immortality, and called on everyone to join the battle to destroy immortality. Many people After hesitating, they joined the Resistance Army just to stop being oppressed. It doesn't mean that they don't want to gain eternal life, because they don't know the horror of eternal life. People feel that there is not enough time in their life, too late to love the people around them, too late to explore those fascinating unknown worlds. From this, Stack was invented out of pure goodwill, but in the end it was used to permanently enslaved and tortured by the inherent evil of human beings. For other people of the same kind, if you kill someone, you only have to promise to upgrade the other's young body. The person who is not pleasing to the eye can imprison his or her consciousness infinitely. If you don’t want to do things, just let the copy do me and then destroy the copy. Well, there is no doubt that immortality is the greatest enemy, but once this technology is invented, it cannot be destroyed, because people want immortality.

As I said, the logic of this drama is very good. The behavior of the characters is supported by good reasons, and the special effects are also very careful. Passing by, draw a knife to help. If this is a copycat cyberpunk, then I can’t agree with it. The world view of this drama is very huge, and the explanation is very clear. The settings of body and copy, consciousness transmission, immortality or absolute death are also placed. The discussion on the table is not hidden, especially when the cyberpunk masterpiece "Blade Runner" series began to play "Guess I am a human or a biochemical person", I like this show more. I have watched the "The Matrix" series dozens of times repeatedly, and I am deeply attracted by the story setting of the whole series, and I still love it very much.

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