just say it casually

Mason 2022-03-20 09:02:17

This is a movie I watched at C6 last week. It has a strong European movie style. European movies have always been blank in my mind
. A grotesque school, at least I have a hard time understanding the system of that school, where upperclassmen use student unions to racially oppress lower classmates, and pass on as a fine tradition with the acquiescence of inhuman teachers Come down.
This is a common protagonist, and I often see people like this in European films, disturbed teenagers of this age, who are about the same age as them, and whose lives are more oppressive than mine Sex, at least I will not experience the double threat of domestic violence and school violence, I think this is probably the reason why the male protagonist will have an affair with the cafeteria waitress, after all, she is his only friend of the opposite sex in that school.
This is A bunch of twisted people, right now at the meeting, I'm probably most aware of the horrible faces shouting at the side of the duel arena, and the gang of people who went crazy to tie the hero from above after he ended his confinement.
The last I don't like the ending, and I even think that the plot to solve the problem by legal means is a bit didactic.

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Evil quotes

  • Headmaster: There is only one word for people like you, and that is "evil"

  • Erik Ponti: [to a rival, seated next to him] Strange. Can anyone smell shit? Shit, I smell shit.

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