natural pet

Arely 2022-03-20 09:02:03

After reading it, I have a feeling that this girl is really doted on by thousands, and it is almost unreasonable to be doted on.
Her fiancé, how could there be such a good man in the world.
In her sorority, I will do everything possible to join the girl tomorrow.
How can her dog be so cute.
Her pink color is really so appropriate that it makes my heart flutter.
Her smile was so sweet it was dripping with water.
Her wealth, rich people are really good.

Well, I admit, I didn't watch the first one, and I was bored that day and watched this one, and I watched it in three days. The most impressive thing is actually when she launched the sisterhood parade at the end. That scene really made my blood boil, beautiful women, beautiful dogs, what a perfect picture.

I don't know much about the American parliamentary system, but I always felt that the movie seemed a little too playful, the girl was too serious, and the speech was too naive. Although this is such a beautiful quality, there is always a bit of YY in it. Although it looks cool, it feels awkward after all.

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Extended Reading

Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde quotes

  • Elle: Hi everyone!

    Timothy McGinn: Look, it's Capitol Barbie.

    Reena: She's so shiny.

  • Paulette: Ooh... the bend and snap! I did that last night naked. I broke a window though.