Fifty year old beautiful woman

Rebeca 2022-04-18 17:34:53

This is a lighthearted twilight love movie.

Erica is a very successful and famous playwright who owns a big house on the outskirts by the sea. Divorced and divorced, she has lived a full and happy self-life for many years. Her daughter, Marin, who is in her twenties, sometimes comes over from the city for weekends.

But the boyfriend her daughter brought back this weekend turned her life upside down.

Harry, a 63-year-old New York music producer who owns several record companies, has never been married, and is considered an authentic old diamond. He is cynical and suave, and even in his sixties, he likes to date young women with good looks. As he said, he knows what they are thinking, and it feels good to be in control. Until he met Erika, who was in her fifties.

Marlene thought her mother was not at home, so she took Harry back to the seaside house. While flirting, she met Erica and her friends who suddenly came back from outside. The disheveled old Harry was almost turned into a thief by Erica. After a misunderstanding was cleared up, Erika's friend suggested that everyone stay away, write the script for the script, swim for the swim, and fall in love for each other. After all, because of his unforgiving age, Harry, who was excited for a while, suffered a heart attack and collapsed to the ground. The young girl was overwhelmed with fright, but fortunately, her mother was well-informed, calm and composed, performed mouth breathing, called an ambulance, and saved Harry's life.

But the doctor didn't allow Harry to travel far, if he went too far back to the city, he would either be hospitalized or treated nearby. The helpless Erica had to promise her daughter to let Harry go to her home to recuperate.

Unwilling things are naturally discordant. Erica, who has lived by herself for a long time, has become Harry's nanny. Not to mention, she has almost no personal space. In the past, she used to walk around the house naked after showering, but now she accidentally collided with an old dude strolling around the house. Harry was also very reluctant, the old woman in front of him spoke sternly, dressed conservatively, and was not interesting.

The so-called do not know each other, although full of bumps and bumps, but this interesting bickering may be able to enhance mutual understanding.

As time passed, there was actually some kind of tacit understanding between them, and it was carefully felt when they came back to see Harry's daughter Marlene. After a heart attack, Marlene clearly felt the age gap between the two. Although Harry was stylish and personable, he was still too old for her in her twenties. Harry and his mother's eyes saw their tacit understanding and like-mindedness. Marlene and Harry parted amicably and encouraged her mother to pursue her own happiness.

No worries, no pressure, two people of the same age, rich experience, and many common interests quickly fall in love.

Love is like a game of chess. It is equal, and it is interesting and fascinating to be evenly matched.

Of course they didn't realize it was love, and even if they did, they wouldn't admit it. That makes the movie so good.

This part of the movie is quite romantic and full of innovation.

Of course, it's unavoidable to take a walk on the beach, blow the wind on the beach, have a picnic, and run back to the big house with a coat in a rain. This is all necessary. You must admit that love needs these little sentiments to cultivate, or how to say love is extravagant.

Erica in the play loves to wear high-necked T-shirts, which makes her very elegant and outstanding. But when the passion is overflowing, is it a bit in the way? This funny cute woman took out a small pair of golden scissors from the bedside table, cut it, cut the dress, she instructed Harry. At such a command to a charming woman, Harry was surprised to find that even the little blue pill he used to use could be saved.

The cutting route is carefully designed by the director, cutting from the bottom of the high-necked T-shirt to the collar part. With the sliding of the scissors, you can see Erika's beautiful belly that is well maintained. This is precious for women of any age, keeping your belly flat and firm is more important than a woman's face. And Erica actually said to Harry, I have to be responsible for your health. At such a critical juncture, she did not forget to take his blood pressure and pulse. After the measurement, the blood pressure meter was happily thrown into the air by her.

The camera freezes on the sphygmomanometer hanging on the roof beam in the air, in addition to candlelight, the sea at night and the happy cry of two people.

The whole picture is clean, warm, romantic, interesting and beautiful.

There is a kind of person who is only willing to enjoy the process and not willing to face the result, so he simply does not want the result, and the result matches the responsibility. And Erica has been an independent and confident single woman for many years. She will definitely not take the initiative to say to a man, oh please stay, I can't live without you. Erica is the kind of person who makes herself cry to death, and she won't ask others if she is heartbroken. Even if she can't live, she will smile and say goodbay. Sometimes self-esteem is more important than love, and more often freedom is more important than love, like Harry.

For Harry, it was normal to change girlfriends frequently, and it was abnormal to settle down around a woman for a long time. Although he was attracted to Erica, he was determined to be himself. As he said himself, he doesn't like the feeling of missing someone every day. In fact, that is love, he just refuses to admit it.

Two people who are clearly reluctant to part, they have to pretend to say goodbye to each other as if they are nothing, or they have to go back to their so-called normal life.

Harry continued to date young women, and Erica continued to write her script. The young doctor is a huge fan of Erica. This handsome and elegant young doctor is deeply fascinated by Erica, who is full of femininity. Erica, who was in an emotional downturn, began to accept doctors slowly. Harry's greatest rival.

The relationship may be like this, it must go through a lot of tossing and turning, it must be weighed and even compared to have an epiphany, be willing.

Willingness is a compromise, and sometimes separation makes one's mind clear.

A year later, Harry, who had made up his mind and was willing to compromise, went to find her in a restaurant in Paris that Erica had mentioned. She said that the chicken wings there were excellent and that she would celebrate her birthday there. Erica, who thought it was just a chance encounter, was surprised and delighted. Just when Harry was about to express his intentions, the young doctor appeared and carefully brought a birthday present. The embarrassed Harry had to put the prepared words back in his stomach, rushed to pay the bill, and waved goodbye to the Erika couple.

In the snowy streets of Paris, the lost Harry walked alone by the Danube, melancholy.

When he thought that everything was over and it was irreversible, he heard footsteps behind him, and the woman he loved stood behind him when he turned around. After the precipitation of time, the two proud hearts finally let go of their self-esteem and confess their love to each other. Lucky old Harry, at the age of sixty-three, the prodigal son finally turned around and knew the taste of love.

The story of this movie is simple, but the details are unique and interesting, and the audience seems very relaxed and comfortable. For example, the details of the high-necked T-shirt, Harry once married Erica Xiao, and always wore a high-necked T-shirt. It may be among the women he is familiar with. It is rare for a woman to wrap herself tightly like that. In the later stage, cutting the high-necked T-shirt is a reasonable design.

In this film you can see the director's taste, what he thinks of a beautiful woman in her fifties.

First, she is independent and confident. Erica is a well-known and successful playwright, and Harry says there are more than 20,000 entries on the Internet searching for her. At the age of 50, after starting a business when she was young, she can now enjoy life in peace, so she can live in a big house by the sea.

She has her own business and it is very successful, which makes her passionate about life. When a 20-year-old doctor fan dated her, she would happily do it in a little elegant dress.

She is humorous and full of fun. Speaking of her accomplishments at home with her daughter and her boyfriend for the first time, she said, "You know who I am. I'm 90 percent hard work, 10 percent talent. But so far, the talent part is still there. There is no enlightenment." Erika subtly changed Edison's famous saying: Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. (Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration). Full of self-deprecating spirit, she introduced herself: "A divorced woman. She's a writer, nervous, loud, pointy, self-righteous neurotic... She's smart and cute."

She is strong-willed, open-minded, enthusiastic, and endowed with a creative and adventurous spirit. Harry was surprised to see Erica talking to the clerk in French in the supermarket. Marlene told Harry that her mother learned French after the divorce. A year later, when Harry went to see Erica at Marlene's house, she told him that his mother was learning Italian. She uses learning this positive way to heal her pain. When her ex-husband was about to get married, she went to the appointment generously, and her daughter said, "How can you still laugh like you're okay?" She clearly knew her feelings: I don't love him anymore, what's wrong with me. When Harry left, she wrote her own story into the script. During the writing process, she was the cutest, crying or laughing desperately at the computer. She did not suppress herself, and even arranged for Harry to be in the play. die in. Harry came to the door to complain, you wrote my story, and you wrote me to death. When I watched this passage, it was very funny. It was a way for Erica to heal her pain. It was just mentioned in such an inadvertent way. But Harry didn't understand. Although Harry's departure hurt her, she told her daughter how she could stop loving for fear of being hurt. She worked her way out of the pain, dating her adoring doctor and traveling to Paris.

Erica in the play is a woman full of charm and wisdom. Time has left her with precious wealth, and wisdom often comes at the expense of youth. The director's point of view represents the Western-style aesthetics. Westerners value the uniqueness and beauty of their personality more, and they can still be charming at the age of fifty.

"Beauty is an attitude... There are no ugly women in the world, only women who don't care or believe in their own charm." - Lady Estée Lauder, who died at the age of 97, told all the women in the world.

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Something's Gotta Give quotes

  • Harry: I just have one question: What's with the turtlenecks? I mean it's the middle of summer.

    Erica: Well I guess I'm just a turtleneck kind of gal.

    Harry: You never get hot?

    Erica: No.

    Harry: Never?

    Erica: Not lately.

  • Harry: I've never seen a woman that age naked before.

    Julian Mercer: You're kidding.

    Harry: Hey! We're not all doctors, baby.