
Tyreek 2022-03-20 09:02:57

White Oleander, a movie that I will never forget.

The beautiful girl Astrid, struggling to grow up against adversity; the charming mother Ingrid, who makes people hate but can't help but admire her strength; and Claire, who adopted a girl, so gentle and so fragile, her death makes me feel bad.

Ingrid loves white oleander. Flowers are used to describe people: Oleander is woody, and Ingrid is indeed not a weak flower and grass; white flowers bloom on the tall and straight branches, which are pure and handsome, and Ingrid is also such a lonely and independent demeanor; Beauty is also highly poisonous. Ingrid used her most beloved flower poison to kill the man who failed her.

Astrid said: "My mum was the most beautiful woman I've ever met and the most dangerous woman.

Ingrid's principles include:

don't leave men overnight;

don't apologize;

don't explain.

She also said to her daughter:

Love can only make you shame, hatred can make you grow. (The original words are: Love humiliates you. Hatred cradles you.)

Don't let yourself be attached to anyone who doesn't care about you because of loneliness. Being a man can't escape loneliness. No one can fill this lonely space. All you can do is know yourself and your needs. (Original quote: Don't attach yourself to anyone who shows you the least bit of attention because you're lonely. Loneliness is the human condition. No one is ever going to fill that space. The best you can do is know yourself ... know what you want. )

Such a woman who has become "fine" is still hurt by a man, and her once free and easy life has turned into a full of hatred. She wanted her daughter to be independent from anyone, especially men, and she even deliberately destroyed her daughter's rare warm harbor, Claire, just to let her daughter go through the storm in adversity.

Her strength has made her daughter's tenacity, and it has also become her inescapable nightmare.

Ingrid: I raised you to think for yourself.
Astrid: No you didn't. You raised me to think like you.

Ingrid: I made you. I'm in your blood. You don't go anywhere until I let you go .

Astrid: Then let me go.


At the end of the film, Astrid received a birthday present from his mother - the former little witch has finally returned to an ordinary life. After so many bizarre experiences, she still has a blushing youthful face, why not? It makes people feel pity and love - the little boyfriend asked behind him: What happened?

Astrid: She let me go. Let go of

hatred and regain freedom. The mother and daughter finally no longer had to confront each other, and thus reached a reconciliation with the world.

Yi Shu has a novel called "Asura", the plot is similar to this film.

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White Oleander quotes

  • Astrid: How long were you gone?

    Ingrid: About a year, give or take a few months.

    Astrid: My God.

    Ingrid: You're not asking the right question. Don't ask me why I left. Ask me why I came back.

    Astrid: You should have been sterilized.

    Ingrid: I could have left you there, but I didn't. Don't you understand? For once, I did the right thing! When I came back, you knew me. You were sitting by the door, and you looked up, and you reached for me. It was as if you had been waiting for me all along.

    Astrid: I was always waiting for you, mother. That's the constant in my life. Waiting for you. Will you come back? Will you forget that you tied me in front of a store or left me on a bus?

    Ingrid: Are you still waiting?

    Astrid: No. I stopped when Claire showed me what it felt like to be loved. What did you think, that I would amuse you? That's what babies are like, mother. What'd you think? We'd exchange thoughts on Joseph Brodsky?

    Ingrid: I thought Klaus and I would live happily ever after. That's what I thought, Adam and Eve in a vine-covered shack. I must have been out of my mind.

    Astrid: You were in love with him.

    Ingrid: YES, I was in love with him. ALRIGHT? I was in love with him, and baby makes three, and all that crap!

    Astrid: Then why did you leave him? Why did you leave him?

    Ingrid: I didn't leave him! He left me. You wanna know about your father? He left us when you were six months old for another woman, and I never saw him again until he showed up looking for you when you were eight years old.

    Astrid: He came to see me?

    Ingrid: Yes, he came to see you but it was a little late, wasn't it? Why should I let him see you after what he did to me?

    Astrid: Because it wasn't about you! It was about me, and I wanted to see him! My whole life, I've wanted to see him. That decision was MINE, not yours. Everything's always been about you, never about me. I knew you were gonna kill Barry, but you didn't even care. You didn't give a damn about what that would do to me. I'll say whatever Susan wants me to say, but I gotta get outta here.

    Ingrid: No! No, no, no. You don't just walk away from me. I made you, I'm in your blood. You don't go anywhere until I let you go!

    Astrid: Then let me go. You look at me and you don't like what you see, but this is the price, mother. The price of belonging to you.

    Ingrid: If I could, I'd take it all back. I would.

    Astrid: Then tell me you don't want me to testify. Tell me you don't want me like this. Tell me you would sacrifice the rest of your life to have me back the way I was.

  • [last lines]

    Astrid: No matter how much she damaged me... no matter how flawed she is... I know my mother loves me.