fresh love

Tressa 2022-11-21 12:32:10

This is a rare gay film that doesn't involve sex, in fact, this film can't be completely gay. Two girls, one named Annie, just came to a small town. She is lonely, autistic and insecure. She felt that no one in this world needed her, that no one could understand her, and that she was not welcome. On the surface she is rebellious and unruly, but in fact she is fragile. When she met Irene, a rebellious girl, especially after Irene's teasing kiss, Anne felt that her life suddenly had hope, and gradually she felt that she fell in love with Irene. And after Irene found out that she had same-sex tendencies, she became uneasy and felt that it was a shameful thing. She forced herself to meet her boyfriend, but she found that she couldn't forget Annie... In the end, the two walked out of the door hand in hand, not caring about others The surprised eyes didn't care about the screams behind them, because at this moment they started their own lives.
This film reminds me of the similar film "The Blue Door". The two films have a common feature that they are both pure feelings without much modification, which makes people think of their own youth without knowing it. This youthful impulse. I've seen a lot of gay movies, and most of them involve sex. Maybe the personal appreciation angle is different, I think once the gay film involves sex, it is difficult for people to resonate with the protagonist. andOn the other hand, the screenwriter boldly described the relationship between two 14-year-old girls. Although this film is classified as a gay film, in my opinion, because the two girls are still young, because the things in each other are just right It's what they lack, so the two of them are attracted to each other. It can only be said that their friendship exceeds that of ordinary people, and it cannot be said that they are homosexuals. After all, adolescent children will do many unexpected things.

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Show Me Love quotes

  • Elin: I use two grams of milk and five thousand kilograms of chocolate and it's always nearly black and then... then I usually pour in more milk but then the glass isn't big enough. Then I have to pour it into a bigger glass, or another glass, if there isn't a big one. It makes a lot of chocolate milk... but that doesn't matter.

  • Elin: I wanna do drugs!

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