Red Fear - A Game That Can't Be Ended

Julianne 2022-11-21 13:26:25

Speaking of British cinema, flip to a late 1950s thriller.
"Look out" "Take care" or "being watched", the Trailer said.

The movie starts with this open eye. Shots within shots, shifting, transforming, advancing. Then came the terrified eyes, the hysterical screams, the twisted faces in the curved mirror. The fear in the shot is thus reflected in the other shot.
First the prostitute, then Miss Vivian, the model in the studio. They died screaming at the camera one by one...

but not Helen's blind mother. She could see Tom's fear in the pervasive fear. Tom is the photographer hiding behind the camera, an opened eye is his. Neither did Helen, who refused to be filmed. Tom accepts this from passive to active.
His joy was both short-lived and fragile. His long-lost warmth no longer has such a right when he relives it.
As the son of a well-known scientist, his childhood happiness was constantly stabbed, peeped by constant stimulation and reaction. Those black-and-white films are a dreaded memory, the sounds that make them imitate forever. In the face of the harsh light, he always covered his eyes childishly...
Fear spread to everyone around him. The camera in his father's hand became Tom's tool again. It is up to him to transmit the same fear to all who are contained within. He has never loved, but these are his women.

Fear is no more, and recording fear has become Tom's ultimate pleasure. Helen appeared and she became his witness. He learned about himself in front of the camera the way he learned about others. And this is a game that must continue, and ending means doom. Destruction is coming, and Helen has all of Tom's fears and his hidden innocence...

Powell's tone is red. Secretly invested in Tom's erotic photography career. Red studio, red floor, red dress. Tom's life has never been out of the red darkroom of film development. Darkness, mystery, terror, and inquiry also permeate with red.

Freud was a master, and his theories influenced an entire generation of artists. They were crazy about him, and colored and shaped his theories.

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Extended Reading

Peeping Tom quotes

  • Mark Lewis: Whatever I photograph I always lose.

  • Mrs. Stephens: I visit this room every night.

    Mark Lewis: Visit?

    Mrs. Stephens: The blind always live in the rooms they live under.