can also be translated as king's man

Andreanne 2022-03-20 09:02:29

I heard that this movie has been around for a long time, and I have been saving the title of the movie on my phone.

Purely because of the cast.

sean penn.
jude law.
Anthony Hopkins
kate winslet.

Really watched it and found it to be a political movie.
A bit of a surprise. Or rather, regret.
Political themes are one of the things that I usually try to avoid when watching movies.
Because, in addition to caring about the necessary social news, I don't care much about politics.
Because, do not believe.
I'm not interested in smearing things.

Because of this, I didn't watch this movie very seriously, and of course, I don't have the qualifications to analyze this movie.

Except, watch Jude Law's eyes very carefully.
There is no doubt that Jude Law is one of the most handsome male movie stars in Europe and America today.

you are a hick and ain't nobody never helped a hick but a hick hisself.
This quote comes up twice.
Once was sean penn's passionate speech, his fingers pointed forward exaggeratedly and provocatively;
once, on his coffin, many white, yellow, and small flowers.

In fact, you can replace this hick with any name that refers to a person's noun.

Politics aside, I really like this passage:
oh,don't ruin it.
don't ruin this.
all that fine,beautiful time we all had here once.
you sure that's what it was?
then why did it turn to this time?

hehe, seems to say some nonsense that has nothing to do with the movie.

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Extended Reading

All the King's Men quotes

  • Willie Stark: Time brings all things to light, I trust it so.

  • Jack Burden: The friend of your youth is the only friend you'll ever have. For he doesn't really see you. He sees in his mind a face which doesn't exist anymore, speaks a name... Spike, Bud, Red, Rusty... Jack... that belongs to that now nonexistent face. He's still the young idealist you used to be, still sees good and bad in black and white and men as sinners or saints but never both and feels superior in the knowledge that you no longer can distinguish the two. That's what drives you to it. To try to stick the knife in. There is a kind of snobbery in failure like the twist to the mouth of a drunk.