detail puzzle

Reyes 2022-03-21 09:02:21

I heard about it by accident, I was very interested in the plot, and I accidentally saw that there was a download, so I just downloaded it. When I was bored and wanted to watch the film, I accidentally clicked on this one and watched it.
Interesting, better than expected, even though the 3D drawing is so bad that it's hard to believe it's a cartoon with the Hollywood mark.
It doesn't matter, just like the little balls drawn more simply, it can become an eternal classic in memory.

It's a spoof, but it's more interesting than a spoof. The same thing is described by different people from different perspectives. The details are intertwined and inextricably linked, and finally they form a whole puzzle.
When I watched it, I came to "Crazy Stone", which is also a movie that perfectly stitched the details.
But more people say that the cartoon draws on the narrative framework of "Rashomon".
Hmm~ Choose another day to watch "Rashomon".

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Extended Reading

Hoodwinked quotes

  • Granny: It's true, I'm not like other grannies. I never did like the quilting bees and the bingo parlors. I'd rather live life to the EXTREME!

  • Nicky Flippers: It would seem that all of you came together tonight by mistake.

    [walks past dog typing notes]

    Nicky Flippers: Maybe you naughty neighbors butted heads so we could get to the real truth.

    The Wolf: The Goody Bandit

    Nicky Flippers: That's right. The Bandit's still at large. There's been a lot of finger pointing tonight, but now all fingers point to the Bandit.

    The Woodsman: Not my finger!

    [quickly puts index finger in mouth and starts sucking it]

    Nicky Flippers: Oh no, you were just out damaging forest property, cutting down the redwoods we all call home.

    [the Woodsman starts spluttering]

    Nicky Flippers: Big guy like you, you could probably take whatever you want from little goody-loving creatures, couldn't you?

    The Woodsman: But someone robbed me! Have we lost track of that?

    Nicky Flippers: Thats right, someone did. Maybe a snack food competitor. Right Granny?

    Granny: Now hold on a pea-picking minute! I may lead a double life full of secrets and deception, but that's no reason to be suspicious.

    The Woodsman: Huh?

    Nicky Flippers: A woman like you could have a lot to gain stealing all those recipes.

    Chief Grizzly: And that's how she makes her goodies so good! Eh?

    Nicky Flippers: Or she could just be another victim... of a hungry Wolf

    The Wolf: Ah, the wolf did it. Talk about profiling.

    Nicky Flippers: Why should we trust someone who wears disguises for a living?

    Chief Grizzly: Maybe he's not a wolf at all!

    The Wolf: You got me. I'm a poodle. I just haven't been to the barbershop in a long time.

    Chief Grizzly: Is this all just a big joke to you?

    The Wolf: I just followed the girl here.

    Granny: You leave my granddaughter alone!

    Nicky Flippers: Yes, now we get to Little Red, the girl with the basket on the run.

    [camera points to empty chair]

    Nicky Flippers: Where is she anyway?