The master should have wanted to ask the audience to reflect, and after I reflected, the master should at least be satisfied with me. I often think that I should be happier if I were less demanding. Desire sprouts all evil, and of course desire produces happiness. But the more desires, the stronger the desire, the easier it is for me to get lost and lost in the darkness. Then I realized that life should be as simple and natural as possible. Just like the "preaching" of the old man in the waterwheel village, he simply lived happily and happily, and finally got a happy funeral as the happy end of his life.
The child is naive and does not believe in fox rain. The reality is cruel, but in the end, there are flowers and rainbows accompanied by the sun and rain. Is this good or bad? Alas, curiosity, curiosity.
I saw industrial light & magic in the subtitles, so the special effects pictures are naturally better, which is not surprising. In the world of Van Gogh, only dreams can be realized.
After reading these dreams, they are all sad. Master Black is really a pessimistic person with a dark heart. But he can illuminate me, perhaps because my heart is gray.
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