Untitled to Yingu

Darien 2022-03-26 09:01:15

Seeing the green, the vastness, the freshly washed green, the
roaring spring breeze blows the beautiful blooming flowers , the green hills that are
both dynamic and static, buried in the quiet falling snow, the
winding sea, and the dark waves against the backdrop of the Wei Xi
Although I only come gently Any piece of land that I step on lightly
does not contain the breath of my hometown.
However, the transpiration of the river of light that I pay attention to, the source of life is
integrated into the scenery
that lingers while
walking My eyes
swirl into silver bell-like whispers that
match the utterances of lonely eyes,
and the bells of my heart are gently ringing in my dreams
. I'm sorry, I can't stay long enough I can't bring back your smile, you too should have learned how to deal with silently stopping sadness in the reincarnation with themOriginal http://kikohi.blog40.fc2.com/blog-entry-66.html

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