What do you choose to believe?

Rahsaan 2022-12-08 07:21:35

After watching this film, I was very shocked. I couldn't help but think of the Nie Shubin case and the She Xianglin case. The answers we see are often what we are willing to believe. It is often said that justice may be late but never absent, but is late justice really justice? Steven was wrongfully imprisoned for 18 years. After he was released, he smiled and said, I don't hold any grudges against anyone, but what awaits him is not a new life, but another nightmare. After being involved in a murder case again and being convicted of murder, Steven's lawyer in the film said that he felt sad about Steven's trial, not only for the case itself, but also for the entire criminal law system as an individual. "We have never progressed on the path of justice." It is true that we cannot confirm whether Steven is really guilty, but twice the jury made a rash verdict when the chain of evidence was incomplete and many doubts and contradictions could not be explained. In our common sense, the so-called "suspected guilt never exists", shouldn't Steven deserve a verdict of acquittal? Whether the police directed this conspiracy will be left to time to prove. We can guarantee that we will not commit a crime, but we can never guarantee that we will not be prosecuted. In life, it is too easy for us to sigh about something that is extremely resentful, "such a person should be pulled and shot", just like the researcher's evaluation of the Steven family in the film, "This family is so evil, we have to uproot them. ”, to judge someone with prejudice and dissatisfaction from the commanding heights of justice. Only with the continuous improvement of the judicial system, the fairness, rigor and responsibility of practitioners, and the awakening of the collective consciousness of society will ordinary people live with more dignity and a sense of security in the face of the powerful!

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