For freedom

Jaylan 2022-03-20 09:01:44

I haven't seen such a cool movie in a long time. Magnificent New Zealand landscape, every frame is a wallpaper.

Let’s talk about what the film is about. The little fat man was abandoned by his parents since he was a child. He was a little lacking in love. This time, the government found him another foster family. This host family is in the mountains, and with such good conditions, the little fat man has nothing to escape and play. Fortunately, the boarding mother has a kind heart, and the little fat man gradually has a sense of belonging and no longer runs away. The good times didn't last long, and the boarding mother suddenly received a box lunch. This is good, the rest of Uncle and Little Fatty, no one can stand against each other, Little Fatty returned to his old business, planned a great escape, burned the house, and headed towards the mountains with one shot and one dog. Uncle also began to look for the little fat man. It didn't take long for the two to meet, but Uncle slapped his foot because he wanted to beat the little fat man. The two stayed in the mountain for a while, but when they came out of the mountain, they found that Uncle was wanted. It turned out that the government saw the burned house and thought that Uncle had kidnapped the little fat man. After this, the two began to run away. A lot of interesting things happened in the middle, and of course the two finally succumbed to the government.

In fact, the core of the film is freedom. Little Fatty is unwilling to return to the world of rules and regulations, and Uncle is unwilling to be caught in prison again, but what is precious is the warmth conveyed. Little Fatty is not uneducated, and Uncle is not inhumane either. .

Of course, I was also poisoned by the film's cold humor during the whole process, haha, unlucky three brothers, father and daughter with all kinds of sausages at home, and lunatics: I am a bush, I am a human, hooo, bush people, ha Haha (what is it called, I forgot, haha).

Finally, I like some shots, including the one in the middle that is similar to "one shot to the end" (I don't know what the technical term should be called), but a certain Qiyi can't record the screen, which is very annoying.

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Extended Reading

Hunt for the Wilderpeople quotes

  • Ricky Baker: Shit just got real! Back up, homies, and let go of my uncle!

  • Ricky Baker: We'll just tell them you were looking after me.

    Hec: Doesn't matter what you tell them, they won't believe you. They'll think I made you do it. I'm not going back to jail, I'm better off up here. This is no place for a kid. You're gonna have to go back, Ricky.

    Ricky Baker: To what?

    Hec: To the welfare people.

    Ricky Baker: No!

    Hec: They'll look after you.

    Ricky Baker: No, they won't!

    Hec: They'll find you another home, you'll be fine.

    Ricky Baker: You're not listening! Nobody listens! There's no more homes, just juvy!

    Hec: What's juvy?

    Ricky Baker: Juvenile prison. They don't care about kids like me, they just keep moving us around until something happens like... Amber.

    Hec: Oh no, bugger then. Okay, okay. We're in about a million hectares of bush, that's big, it's big enough to hide in for a while, anyway.

    Ricky Baker: Good enough for me.

    Hec: But we're heading into winter. It's gonna be rough, no huts, no tents, real bush life. Can you handle that?

    Ricky Baker: I can handle it.

    Hec: Yeah. And if you play up, I dump you.

    Ricky Baker: Okay, Uncle.

    Hec: I'd still prefer if you don't call me Uncle.

    Ricky Baker: Okay, Hec. So what do we do now?

    Hec: We run.

    [They run for a few seconds, then stop out of breathe]

    Hec: Wait, wait wait. Maybe we don't need to run.

    Ricky Baker: Oh yeah, let's just fast walk.