"Poseidon": the old bridge section yy new meaning

Shyanne 2022-12-11 17:31:50

Basically walked into the cinema for Wolfgang Petersen, who made him direct The Perfect Storm.

When the Poseidon began to sink, the movie had just opened for about 10 minutes, and I began to worry about what would be played in the next 100-odd minutes. Didn't the film review say it could be comparable to "Titanic"? It turned out that I was overthinking it: the next thing I played was the heroes who started to escape in victory, interspersed with some old scenes such as life and death decisions and father-daughter relationships; and the movie was only 87 minutes in total, which completely broke the blockbuster in my eyes. The 100+ minute rule.

Every bridge section is old-fashioned, you can only give it some connotation by yourself, otherwise you will be sorry for the money and time.

The black-haired girl Elena confided her experience of becoming a sex slave in order to find her younger brother when she first met the white-bearded old man. I have always wondered why I have to explain such a background, until I saw the old man saying "you don't go, we won't go" again, and risking his life to save the old bear, and then suddenly realized - sometimes, just the right words to stimulate , much more effective than Viagra.

The black-haired girl was the third victim of the escape team. The first is the innocent brother Waiter, who sacrificed himself to be the last level of the "human ladder", but was kicked down the abyss by the old man with leather shoes. The second is that Lucky Guy, an alcoholic, was sent to die after piercing the sore spot of the mayor's classmate. Two characters with completely different personalities have the same fate. The director seems to try to give the film a little more imagination space through this comparison. But I don't understand whether he wants to criticize the selfishness of human nature, or whether he wants to explain that the destiny of life has nothing to do with good and evil. Anyway, when I see this, I am worried for the living people - I don't know who will suffer next, so everyone might as well get an injection of euthanasia.

In the end, it was the hero dad. Father's love itself is great, because he sees his daughter's hesitation, and because he understands the happiness in his daughter's eyes, and at the same time he settles his past suspicions with his dissatisfied future son-in-law, and chooses to use his own life to make his daughter live and happy. hope. This kind of fatherly love is moving, but because it is too old-fashioned, the audience is just silent. Next, when my daughter was rescued and everyone started kissing and celebrating, I was also speculating about how my daughter, who just died, should react. Oh, she's happy; oh, I'm happy too. The love and strength of a father is passed on through the sacrifice of his daughter, who has reason to happily embrace new life.

After yy is over, I start to feel that the process of yy is a bit boring. Why give meaning? It is impossible to consider so many things between life and death, everything is just an instinctive choice.

So I don't dare to have too many expectations for this kind of film. The only requirement is to ask the director not to add too many soundtracks that try to fuel the fire next time. Please restore a real disaster scene to the audience.

Only the truest is the most terrifying.

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.