
Hermina 2022-09-07 06:30:27

More and more I like the absurd scenes, and "Midnight in the Night" is another example. Maybe people are really not controlled by themselves or their so-called fate. The chain reaction of accidental factors will destroy all good moods. For example, often in the water. When it boils, rush into the kitchen and break the bowl in a hurry, or in a bad mood, it is easy to walk in a daze, and it is easy to walk and slap your feet. To express absurdity, the French are the best at it, so this film is more French, but I When you look at the color, you can tell it's not. It's a "comedy", but he is more angry. He encountered countless people and countless strange things in one night. The relationship between people can be so full of tension. Fortunately, he finally returned to the mainstream. normal society.

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After Hours quotes

  • Paul Hackett: Now what? Incredible. Where the hell is he?

    Julie: You know, I live across the street. Would you like a TV dinner?

  • Julie: Look, I had trouble figuring out the tax on checks. So what! I mean, eight per cent is a bitch! So, I make a few mistakes! So, I make a few mistakes! So, sue me!