Although people are social animals, they also need to give space to individuals

Dayne 2022-03-21 09:02:30

The male protagonist has post-war psychological syndrome, which is why he has been living in the wild. But in fact, the theme of this film is on girls, and what the director wants to express is also on her. The little girl played by Thomasin McKenzie is really elf-like, a very special girl, and I like it very much. Tom has always lived in the forest and is very accustomed to everything in the wild, but when they enter life due to changes and interact with people, Tom also shows the instinctive characteristics of human beings, gregariousness. This is what the director wants to express. The United States has made a lot of movies about marginalized people, and I can understand the reasons for these people's choices, and I respect those choices. Everyone's spiritual pursuit is different. Under the strong demand, the spirit must be satisfied. People are gregarious, and no matter how unique and independent you are, there are people who are similar to you. It’s just that you will feel lonely if you don’t meet them, and finding the same kind under self-digestion is a good choice. Isn't that what folk songs are like? The director did a good job. For a movie with such a theme, the filming is very calm and the expression is very clear, which is really good. American films, there are mostly good commercial films, and there are not many artistic films that calmly express their connotations, but this film still shines.

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Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.