"Leave No Trace" - Deep-rooted American Thinking

Linnea 2022-03-21 09:02:30

The work in 2018 won the Best Film Award and the Best Director Award at the 34th Independent Spirit Awards in 2019. The film is about a special father and daughter. Will, a Vietnam War veteran with PTSD, and his 13-year-old daughter Tom lived undetected for four years in the Portland National Forest. But a runner once saw Tom in the forest, he reported the forest management, and the police who followed took the father and daughter away. After an investigation by the social department, it was found that Tom was in good health, his literacy ability was ahead of his peers educated in school, and the father-daughter relationship was very close and healthy. The social department helped the father and daughter find a secluded place, allowing them to continue living together in a socialized way. Intrigued by the new environment, Tom slowly integrates into the community and begins to have friends other than his father; but Will cannot adapt to this "civilized" life, and he is eager to return to the forest. Although Tom was reluctant to part with his new life, he couldn't beat his father, so the two left without saying goodbye and went deep into the no-man's land of the forest again. Will was injured in a coma while out shopping. Tom immediately asked someone for help. Fortunately, he met two drivers who helped bring Will to the civilized area. Under the care and care of the doctor and the community, Will's leg injury gradually recovered, but he couldn't hold back his desire for the forest. At the same time, I hope that Tom can continue to travel with him; and Tom is deeply in love with the people and life in this community. The two of them will face a choice. In the end, Tom did not follow his father into the forest, but chose to stay in the community and stay in a civilized society. They go their separate ways and respect each other, but this does not mean that people who choose different paths will forget about each other, on the contrary, they will continue to stick to each other. Tom would hang a bag of rations on the big tree regularly to supply people living in the forest. The director focuses all the focus on the expression of individual consciousness, emphasizing the individual's consciousness of "independence", "freedom", and "respect". Frankly, it's a shame that such a particular story has been labelled in this way. The film avoids the description of many problems, or doesn't provide enough detail. In the beginning, the father and daughter played chess, practiced, planted vegetables, made a fire, and read books in the forest. These details were few and far between. Without going deeper and digging more details, not only was it not enough to make the audience empathize, but more importantly, The audience left a series of greetings in their hearts. How does Will, as a PTSD patient, enjoy life in the wild more than civilized life? Or is the freedom of life in the wild that cannot be obtained in a civilized society? The film clearly tells the audience that he suffers from PTSD just like staying in the wild. Besides, the father and daughter have spent the past four years in Portland National Park. They didn't stay away from civilized society. On the contrary, they regularly went to the hospital to go to the supermarket, and they could switch between the forest and civilized society at any time. Why would Will hate civilized society again and again, and couldn't stay a minute longer. ? Father and daughter have been together for more than ten years. How did Tom make such a big change in his growing environment in such a short period of time? Apparently Debra Granik didn't provide enough details of life in "Leave No Trace", because the lack of details would make the story thin and the characters flat. Without a detailed statement, how deep will the audience feel? If there is no sense of substitution, everything is like something unexperienced, something unexperienced, in fact, we do not know its truth. Ideas about life, about knowing oneself or others, are brought about by action. There is action before there is an answer, and there is a reason. The director's seemingly "neutral" handling of many issues is actually a kind of hypocrisy, a kind of laziness left on the surface. Its essence is still a formatted thinking of Hollywood commercial films, and it is suspected of instilling awareness in the audience. The contrast is Hirokazu Koreeda's "The Thief Family" or "Nobody Knows". Hirokazu Koreeda doesn't want to use the film to criticize or criticize anyone, but spends a lot of time and patience on detailed descriptions, using a truly calm and alienating language to put people. The warmth between people is conveyed through the details of daily life. Through these neutral and detailed descriptions, the audience can effortlessly gain a sense of substitution and empathize with the characters and life, thereby forming their own judgments. If there is no objectification of the details of life, the film must remain on the surface. "Leave No Trace" is based on the novel My Abandonment changed, and this novel was inspired by a real social news. It was almost the case of Will and Tom. When the local police found the two, the daughter begged her to stay with her father, and various inspections and verifications by the social department confirmed that the father-daughter relationship was very good and normal. The true feelings of the father and daughter made the police very moved and impressed. Although the work of the police has ended after the social investigation department intervened, they have been tracking the progress of the settlement of the incident, helping the father and daughter to find their residence, and trying their best to protect the privacy of the father and daughter. , But in the end, the father and daughter quietly left. It is said that it was because there were too many media stalking at that time, and even helicopters had been circling their new residence. On the one hand, it disturbed their new life, and on the other hand, the father did not want his daughter to be exposed to the public eye. So the choice disappears. Many details of this true story are actually more touching than the movie "Leave No Trace". What if Hirokazu Koreeda was in charge of putting it on the big screen? ! The tone of the entire film of "Leave No Trace" is green. What color is freedom and respect? For life, green is the most appropriate! Look at "Winter's Bone" directed by Debra Grannick in 2010. The keynote of the film is gray and brown earth tones. Combined with the cold air, it not only reveals the situation that the Ree family is experiencing, but also highlights the 17-year-old. Ree's toughness in the face of difficulties. At the 26th Sundance International Film Festival, he won the Grand Jury Prize and won the Best Adapted Screenplay Award at the 83rd Academy Awards. In both films, the directors focused on the bottom of society and marginalized people in society, and seemed to prefer to tell about the relationship between father and daughter. Curious, what color will Debra Granik's next movie be? Will her grasp of the movie get rid of the American preaching routine and really go deep into life and impress the audience? let us wait and see. What color will Granik's next movie be, and will her grasp of the movie get rid of the American preaching routine and really go deep into life and impress the audience? let us wait and see. What color will Granik's next movie be, and will her grasp of the movie get rid of the American preaching routine and really go deep into life and impress the audience? let us wait and see.

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Leave No Trace quotes

  • Will: I'm so sorry.

    Tom: I know.

  • Tom: What's your favourite color?

    Will: What's *your* favourite color?

    Tom: Yellow.

    [They sit for a moment]

    Tom: What was my mother's favourite color?

    Will: Yellow.

    Tom: Maybe I learnt it from her. I wish I could remember her.

    Will: She'd wish for that, too.