Frozen Planet

Concepcion 2022-12-28 07:52:20

The four seasons of the bipolar natural world; the life of human beings in ice and snow; the past and future brought by the appearance of human beings to nature. Showing the features of the frozen world is the focus of the theme, and finally focusing on the relationship with human beings to further elevate the idea, from the objective to the subjective to narrow the distance between consciousness and this world.

If you don’t work hard, you will starve to death. Competition is absolute, and there is no option to avoid it, but human beings are lucky to have the opportunity to choose how to compete, set fair rules, and develop areas of advantage.

Be as tolerant as nature and as cold as nature, explore the norm. Helping each other and solidarity is the law of survival, become warm and get along with warm people.

The survival and reproduction of life is the goal of their life. The gift we should cherish is the ability to use the soul to leave a legacy of civilization that transcends time.

Animals are completely controlled by natural conditions and have few choices. For example, most animals can only migrate every year to adapt to seasonal changes, and if they cannot adapt, they disappear. We are also subject to nature, but to a certain extent we can transform it and have more options. After settling ourselves, don't forget to settle other lives. We have the ability and should also take responsibility. This is the gift of gratitude and repayment of God's dice.

Whether for humans or animals, only species that can adapt to the environment can thrive in a changing environment.

I'm very afraid that I can stop the worst scenario, but in the end I can't do anything, because there are those people, the humanity of those people.

The ice is protecting us(by bouncing back the sunlight into the space). Warming up is a vicious circle. The more the ice sheet melts, the more heat the seawater absorbs, the faster the ice sheet melts, and eventually the effect of boiling humans with warm water will be achieved.

Life is like walking on thin ice, reflect on yourself from the experiences of other creatures.

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