It's not good to live well. . . ?

Reyes 2022-03-22 09:02:16

Many years ago, when I watched Luc Besson's film "The Deepest Love in the Blue Sea", I felt that I understood why the male protagonist could risk his life to dive into the deep sea: a man spends his whole life in pursuit of a hopeless "romance", and the mountains are there , the blue sea is there, they are calling me to come, and all other life and love will stop.

"A man pursues his ideal world, and a woman's ideal world is her man." Once, like Alex, I looked at the world with such ruthless eyes. "Reality" is a very annoying place after all, isn't it? ?

"The mountains are there, I will go to them." Like a samurai, choose glory and dreams, or death.

Until one day, you discover that you are not the only lonely being in the universe.

When you come home tired, there is a jumping four-legged life running towards you;

While watching the fridge fill with heady bliss;

Beside midnight, when there is someone you need to hold tightly;

Live for those who love you.

Like Jacques, Alex has two distinct temperaments of poet and warrior, the same unfortunate shadow of his childhood father, the amygdala whose brain is not dominated by fear, one to conquer the mountains, the other to dive deep into the sea. Likewise, the cries of love failed to tame their souls.

Some people dream of conquering the stars and the sea, and some people hold the hand of their son and grow old together forever. The author of "Crayon Shin-chan" will die in his favorite mountaineering, and "Freehand Rock Climbing" can sing an elegy to all ordinary life.

It's you who makes my life meaningful.

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Extended Reading

Free Solo quotes

  • Alex Honnold: I try to expand my comfort zone by practicing the moves over and over again. I work through the fear, until it's just not scary anymore.

  • Alex Honnold: You're standing on tiny edges, small variations in the texture of the rock. If you slip, your hands can't hold you. It's just the two tiny points of contact that keep you from falling, and when you step up, there's only one.