Life is hard and that's why we need bookstores

Kiana 2022-03-20 09:02:02

In rainy London, there is a strange bookstore where three cute eccentrics gather: Bernard, the brilliant but grumpy grumpy boss, and Manny, the good-natured clerk bullied by Bernard, who likes to collect bizarre things Fran, the owner of the gift shop next door. No matter what happens in the outside world, Black Bookstore is like a utopia that accommodates all strange fantasies, a shelter for all loneliness and doubts, and absurd dramas are staged every day. Black Bookstore is probably the most capricious bookstore I have ever seen: the sign on the door is "closed" on both sides, the opening hours are arbitrary, the boss may drive people away with a broom if he is unhappy, books are piled up randomly, and buying books is like a treasure hunt. . "Customer first" also does not exist, Bernard is always fierce to customers. Bernard's existence may be detached from reality, but at the same time it tells us that he is living in the way we yearn for, insist on ourselves and never compromise. He is lazy and sloppy, childish with low emotional intelligence, paranoid and withdrawn, never leaves his mouth with wine, and never leaves his hand with books. He hates electronic devices and bans cell phones and Walkmans in his bookstore. He didn't set up a bookstore for the purpose of selling books (because the books were sold out and he was too lazy to order them), and he also refused to sell books to customers who wanted to use them as home decorations. Despite his innumerable flaws, he is innocent and innocent, never giving in to people or things he doesn't like. He is like a tall Peter Pan who never grows up, babbling jokes, cynicism about the past and the present, going against the right and the trend, holding us above the absurd reality, presenting a kind of freewheeling lifestyle. The tone of the entire play has also been crazy, creating conflicts and laughter among exaggerations.

At the beginning of watching this drama, you will feel that talking is better than nothing, but it is quite moving when you watch it, because this kind of messy life is a bit like an exaggerated version of real life, and the three protagonists' behavior is like removing all calmness and harmony. ourselves in disguise.

This drama expresses our heart: we know the big truth and the correct answer, but occasionally we want to live a life of will, and on a certain day in our "correct" life, we will hand over a blank paper without caring.

The peculiarities and temperaments of the culture are often seen in the comedies of the country. The British Isles and the European mainland are straddling the English Channel. The relatively isolated geographical location of the United Kingdom itself has created its independent and free characteristics. At the same time, the temperate oceanic climate has blown the sea breeze to the British mainland over the years. In the perennial rainy and foggy weather, the British are relatively cold, reserved and arrogant.

Using "Black Bookstore" to see the British black humor, it is not like Chinese sketches that make you laugh instantly, nor is it like the dense cannonball-like jokes of American comedies, British comedies are more restrained language and ingenious metaphors, hidden The calm humor in the details, you will smile knowingly when you react, and the more you think about it, the more interesting it will be.

It's more like a clunky row of stitches exposed in an English gentleman's suit, or a wilted rose pinned to a top pocket, a mix of Great Britain seriousness and absurd humour that allows us to temporarily escape the world's gallops The train, occasionally hidden in the Black Bookstore, read books, dreamed, drank, and wrote fairy tales with impunity.

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Black Books quotes

  • Bernard: [selling a book] Enjoy. It's dreadful, but it's quite short.

  • Bernard: Whores will have their trinkets.

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