Teachers are people too!

Javonte 2022-12-05 10:35:37

A movie, a story from a parallel world

From: Graphite Society (smshe189)

Never settle for mediocrity, like the 98%!

Teachers, preaching, teaching, and dispelling doubts!

China is a country that respects teachers and respects Tao. In traditional ethics, there is also the saying that the ruler of heaven and earth is in charge of his teacher.

Teachers, ranked after the princes and relatives, show their high status.

Indeed, our 5,000-year-old Chinese splendid culture, from accumulation to inheritance, is the credit of the teachers.

In "Rural Teachers", Liu Cixin described a teacher in a township in the northwest who was short on time and tried his best to teach his students the three laws of mechanics.

It is also this behavior that saves the earth from destruction and allows alien civilizations to determine that the earth has a sufficient level of civilization.

Liu Cixin said in the book:

"You want to tell us that a species that has no memory heredity, uses sound waves to communicate with each other, and communicates at an incredible rate of 1 to 10 bits per second, can create a 5B-class civilization?! And this civilization evolved on its own without the cultivation of any external advanced civilization?!"

"Thoughts produced by the brilliant minds that were turned to dust in Europe hundreds of years ago are echoed in the most remote mountain villages of China in the twentieth century in the childish voice of a strong northwestern dialect."

It is the teacher who takes on this responsibility. He plays a role in the inheritance of human knowledge and civilization, and this responsibility is taken over from his teacher.

This "Rural Teacher" also expresses Liu Cixin's respect for the teacher group, and also has thoughts on the inheritance of human civilization and the cause of education.

The so-called inheritance is a big concept and a broad description.

It does not just refer to knowledge, the words in textbooks, the meaning of articles, the mysteries in numbers, etc. The reason why human civilization is dazzling is that we are not accumulating the acquired knowledge repeatedly, but through innovation from generation to generation And thinking, the existing knowledge, become more open.

The teacher is the link.

Therefore, the movie I want to recommend to you today is related to teachers, but not only teachers.

The Professor (2018), starring Johnny Depp.


This time, our old captain stopped talking nonsense.

At the beginning, he was sentenced to death.

As a tenured professor at a university, he could have taught seriously in the classroom, enjoyed the material of high society at home, and gained honor in society.

However, all this came to an abrupt end because of the advanced stage of lung cancer.

If you don't get treatment, you only have half a year's life. If you get treatment, it may be extended by one and a half years.

It was at this moment that the professor realized that his long life had no meaning, and completely revealed the false life he had lived before.

At the family dinner, he wanted to confess his situation to his family.

But I never thought that my daughter would speak first and express that she was gay. Immediately afterwards, the wife confessed that she had an affair with the professor's boss, the university president.

If it were normal, maybe the professor should be furious, or at least surprised and miserable.

However, these things are already meaningless by comparison.

It is conceivable that this seemingly stable home of my own has always been hidden contradictions, and everyone has their own secrets.

The professor and his wife hadn't communicated for a long time, and the two no longer felt the power of love.

The disheartened professor began to let himself go.

He began to abandon the previous teaching ideas and use the form of self-subversion to face students.

Including expelling students who did not like his courses, moving the classroom to bars and gardens, allowing students to use mobile phones, smoke, and even smoke marijuana in class.

It is also in this process that he encourages students to know themselves, to speak out their inner thoughts bravely, and not to follow the crowd.

He develops students' self-identity and thinking skills by having them read a book throughout the semester and then stand in front of their classmates to speak their minds.

At this time, the professor can be said to have gotten rid of the shackles of serious teaching in the classroom.

It also highlights his role as a professor in preaching, teaching and solving puzzles.

In addition to the guidance of students in the classroom.

The teaching of his daughter in life is also the embodiment of him as a teacher.

He and his wife are very different in the way they educate their children, when the daughter says she is gay at the table.

His answer was, I thought it was something.

And the wife's answer is, no, you are not.

The answers of the two actually expressed different educational concepts. The professor's idea was to express his approval and respect his daughter's personal choice.

But my wife denied the child's opinion as soon as she came up, and then added, "I know you best."

In response to this sentence, the daughter's answer is, you don't know me at all.

In this family, the relationship between the daughter and her parents is actually very estranged. To a large extent, it is due to the disregard of the husband and wife to the family, and the overbearing and one-way management of the wife's education method for the daughter.

When the professor knew that his time was short and wanted to return to his family, he found that the family was broken.

As a result, he began to repair the relationship between his daughter and the family, and also showed tolerance and understanding to his wife.

In life, a professor has only one colleague who is a daily friend. This friend, who always stood up when he was in trouble, was the saddest one to learn that the professor was going to die.

The professor is a rational person. He has always attached great importance to his reputation. His friends approached him to comfort him. He was always afraid of being told that he was gay, so he was very repelled.

It was only later that I slowly realized how precious a friend's care is.

At the same time, he is also a very arrogant person.

When everyone expresses admiration for his wife's work, only he expresses a different opinion on the work. Just like the dinner at the principal's house, when everyone was immersed in laughter, only he expressed his emotions.

That's what he's teaching his students and his daughter to be brave.

In real life, many people succumb to reality and always make themselves hypocritical and say something insincere to make themselves less of themselves.

This is sad.

Therefore, the meaning of a professor is no longer as simple as accompany the students to read the text in the classroom.

How to express the understanding of inheritance, the professor has taught by words and deeds.

And all this happened when he was about to die.

Just like the village teacher in "The Village Teacher".


I have always felt that teachers should not be a group, but an individual.

It's like we shouldn't just post a message in the circle of friends on festivals with special significance such as Father's Day, Mother's Day, Dragon Boat Festival, etc. It seems that we wish parents and relatives all over the country a happy holiday, but we are reluctant to call our parents and family members. the same as a phone.

Teacher's Day, September 10, is a national holiday.

On this day every year, countless news, advertisement headlines, and Moments are filled with respect for teachers and blessings for teachers.

However, does the teacher really feel it?

I remembered our actions on Teacher's Day when we were in school, we collectively pooled money to buy a small gift for the head teacher.

This gift, for the head teacher, is perceptible.

Of course, after thinking about it, we only paid attention to the head teacher, and other teachers did not seem to have this treatment.

As students who don’t care about things, we are actually full of respect for teachers. This is the concept of respecting teachers and respecting Taoism that has always been respected in today’s society.

On the contrary, just like we only paid attention to the head teacher, in fact, there is more than one teacher, and it is not just in the classroom.

The Happy Teacher's Day that we are constantly shouting is actually a narrow sense, and it is mainly for the people's teachers in the classroom.

And the teacher should be called in a broad sense. The so-called preaching, teaching, and solving doubts is the teacher.

The person who teaches us how to work and guides us to improve efficiency is the teacher.

Answering questions in life, giving help and support, is a teacher.

In free study, there are questions and answers about knowledge points, and it is the teacher.

It teaches us to think about life, to know ourselves, to build up self-confidence, etc. It is also a teacher.

Respect for teachers and Taoism and respect are also the spiritual principles respected by the society.

Inheritance, focusing on guidance, is an indispensable quality for pioneers.

Of course, the teacher doesn't care about everyone in the society, and shouted Happy Teacher's Day to the air.

However, every teacher will be very happy when his actions are recognized or achieved.


Teachers are people too.

We like to give our teachers authority, but it's not necessary.

The authority of a teacher lies in realizing self-worth and then being recognized. rather than socially imposed values.

Respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao does not lie in everyone's saying that the teacher has worked hard, but an emotional feedback to the real person.

Therefore, when our head teacher receives a gift, he will be happy, but he will not care about the crowds of blessings on the Internet.

Of course, after this, he is still strict.

A teacher is also a person, and he also has his own life.

The ideas promoted in society always make people feel that the profession of teachers has become an identity.

In fact, outside the classroom, he is still an ordinary person.

Just like the performance in "The Professor", the professor will get sick and become less of a teacher. He will also face marital crisis, problems with children's education, and even work pressure.

We are following the trend and shouting Happy Teacher's Day. In fact, we are just standing in the perspective of an outsider, shouting to a teacher, but ignoring the essence of the teacher as a human being.

My junior high school Chinese teacher, a gentle middle-aged man, rides a 28 bicycle all the year round.

He has a literary talent that we envy, and his calligraphy is what I have been imitating back then.

His voice was hoarse, but it didn't affect his seriousness in teaching us.

He would publish the entire blackboard newspaper by himself during our lunch break.

He, 8 years after we graduated, died of stomach cancer.

I learned the news on the school's official WeChat account.

An obituary is a teacher's life.

One year after graduation, I had the opportunity to chat at the teacher's house at night. The teacher bought us melon seeds. That night, we just talked about our feelings after graduation. The teacher gave us encouragement, and that sentence became the words of farewell.

The same school, another teacher, is usually domineering and fierce. He would encroach on our gym class to teach math.

However, we are more concerned with his relationship with his wife.

Their home is opposite the teacher, and sometimes his wife can be seen swearing at him with a kitchen knife between classes.

At that moment, he was not like a teacher, but a helpless husband.

However, the teacher's wife eventually died of illness.

Not long after the funeral, the teacher resumed the class, his eyes full of sadness.

There are also many things about teachers, whether it is themselves or their family members, outside of the classroom, they still bear the joys and sorrows of a person.

Therefore, I prefer to regard the teacher as an ordinary person.


The choice of an ordinary person seems to be much more normal.

There are not so many lofty reasons and ideals, nor so many socially imposed responsibilities.

Some people, just because they fancy this iron rice bowl. Some people really love this job.

And they all actively or passively influenced a group of people, and it was also this group of people, who took over knowledge from teachers, shaped their personalities, and then further passed on this kind of thinking.

This seemingly less direct and active process is the essence of culture and education.

Yu Qian has a movie called "Teacher Good" this year, and there is a hidden clue in it, which is the best annotation for the teacher.

Teacher Miao, played by Yu Qian, is a bond of inheritance. Under his influence, former students also took to the podium and told another group of people the ideas they had accepted back then.

In fact, Mr. Miao's first path will not be a teacher. However, because of the influence of his teacher, he finally calmed down and took up the responsibility of the teacher.

The so-called inheritance is also the inheritance of people.

In Tsinghua University's anniversary film "No Questions about the West and East", it is actually the best embodiment of the inheritance of teachers.

Not everyone in there is a teacher, but later people inherited the mantle from the forerunners. Generation after generation, the light of thought and humanity has been connected.

Therefore, rather than being grateful to the teachers in the world, you are worthy of the people who guide you forward, which is the greatest gratitude.

It is also the greatest respect for teachers.


A movie, a story from a parallel world

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From: Graphite Society (smshe189)

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Extended Reading

The Professor quotes

  • Claire: The person one loves at first is not the person one loves at last. Love is not an end. It's a process through which one person attempts to know another.


    Claire: That's it.

    Richard: And, in a word?

    Claire: In TWO words, deceptively simple.

  • Peter: Why are you wearing sunglasses?

    Richard: I have cancer. I'm supposed to wear sunglasses in unusual places.