Endless ~ Analysis

Al 2022-09-07 18:31:29

The following will contain spoilers

When you start watching this show, you will really fall asleep. In fact, the front is always paving the way, but you don't know what you are talking about after you don't see it. It is very nonsensical and boring.

There are also a lot of claims to be parsed, but I think there are a few places that I don't understand quite the same. First of all, the film says that there is a monster that can control time and space, and it will use a kind of stone pillar to enclose the ground. The circled place will cycle in time and space. If you happen to die in this time and space, then you will also follow the cycle, that is, fall into cycle. We can learn this from the dialogue between Carl and his brother. I think the role of Carl is the background commentary, and his words are very useful. In fact, the rules of the space-time circle are not as complicated as others say. Not everyone has their own rules, and there is no problem of amnesia. It is very simple to fall into the circle, that is, to die in the circle. When the space-time restarts, if you are in the circle, you will die.

Then we start the timeline. In fact, there are hundreds of times in all the circles. The camp is a relatively large space-time circle. It restarts every ten years. Carl's circle is three hours, and Mike and Chris, who sells guns, should have one circle. Weeks, there are 5 seconds in the tent. I didn't understand a lot of things when I watched it the first time, but when I watched it the second time, I found that many things were related. Let’s talk about the main line first. My brother and brother were in a car accident and were rescued by the formula brother in the camp. This should have been more than ten years ago, about eighteen or nine years ago, which is why my brother said that the seamstress should be in her 40s. . The two have lived in the camp for eight or nine years. The tailor girl should especially like her younger brother. It should be a mother-son relationship. This is why the two of them slept peacefully together and did not have sex. Guess everyone in the camp doesn't want to have children or can't have children, which is why my brother said that everyone in this camp was cut off. After living for so long, my brother found that the camp was not quite right, so he was always trying to figure it out, and there was no leader in the camp, he wanted to be the leader of this territory. Ten years ago, my brother went out and got lost and walked to Carl's hut. The dialogue between my brother and Carl said that he was Justin ten years ago, which proved that he had been here ten years ago. He was a teenager when he first came here. The stunned young man didn't understand anything. Carl told him about the space-time circle, and his brother didn't understand either. So Carl tried to save his brother and lied to him that the camp was a cult. They were about to commit suicide. You must escape if you want to save your brother. Before running away, you have to do me a favor, but my brother lied to him once that he was going back to the camp. The older brother led his younger brother out of this area with his young intuition. Back to real life for ten years. At the beginning, he was swaggering and cheating, and once tricked Mike into teaching. These ten years have been precarious, and I can’t get enough to eat. The monster sent the tailor girl’s video of herself in a certain cycle to my brother. My brother was young at the time, and he felt that the camp was very good. At least he could eat enough. starving.

Then the two returned to the camp. The first circle was Carl's circle. Carl's circle was very large, not only in the hut, because we saw Carl several times on the road, about four times, and we could see Carl's border every time. . At this time, the camp had already gone through a cycle, and the time was approaching the next cycle, so everyone felt that the older brother and younger brother did not walk for long and grew up.

The movie is running normally, and many things can be understood with the explanations above. There is a monster living in the lake. The monster will observe the people in these circles in various time and space circles. There is a flashback in the final cabin video. In fact, the game of pulling the rope is pulling a real monster, and it can be seen from the painting of the painter girl, which is why it is a challenge. Once you become part of the circle, you can't get out of the circle. Outsiders can come in to trade and live, as long as they don't die inside. In fact, some people in the circle have been here for hundreds of years, and it is estimated that they have been with each other for a long time, so there is no fixed CP, and they do not care who is with whom, but the younger brother and the tailor girl should be a mother and son, and the painter girl's ex-boyfriend may be Chris who sells guns, Mike's wife is Jennifer, Mike came here to detoxify Chris, Chris and Carl are drug friends, Carl has a trailer on the mountain, where his brother and brother last met, and Carl went down the mountain to look for it. When Chris caught up with the circle to restart, he died in that circle, leaving behind a shoe, the one his brother picked up at the beginning of the game. People or things in the circle cannot see outside the circle, nor can they leave the circle. People outside the circle also cannot see the changes in the circle. There are many such shots. Sometimes there is a mirror reaction at the boundary of the circle. For example, in the two moons after taking drugs, at first my brother looked at both sides of the boundary in the middle of the road, and finally when I drove out of the boundary, I had this reaction.

Regarding the ending, I think my brother and brother managed to get out in the end. First of all, the two of them are outsiders in the circle. They won't die like a crow when they cross the circle, and they won't be in the circle. Second, everyone in the camp watched them, and if they fell into the circle, there would be no reluctance to give up. Third, the dialogue about oil is actually a few maxims from the opening. I think it is also what the movie wants to express. It is easy to communicate with friends, but relatives have to wait until an opportunity to communicate. Persuading Everyone communicates more than relatives. Oil is a metaphor. The older brother loves the younger brother very much, but on the surface he doesn’t love it, just like the oil gauge shows no oil, but he really loves it. That is to say, the younger brother already understands the love of the elder brother. If he does not love him, he will not bring him back. In the end, the elder brother is very relieved to say that you finally understand everything. There is no meaning of falling into here. Maybe everyone thinks that it will be more reversed here. Okay, but the director actually didn't want to reverse it.

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Extended Reading

The Endless quotes

  • Unknown: We never anticipate the ways we're gonna isolate ourselves from the ones we care about.

  • Hal: Can you have power over yourself if you give up any amount of authority to something else?