admire Guevara's father

Alyson 2022-03-21 09:01:58

Fortunately, after watching this movie, I got to know about Comrade Guevara in other ways. Otherwise, when I mention his name, what will be reflected in my mind is his head on the clumsy T-shirt, and Zhang Guangtian's model drama.
More admire his father. The 23-year-old Guevara was going to ride his ridiculous motorcycle across South America. If he was a Chinese parent, he would definitely scold him, "Don't go! Are you courting death?" Looking at his aristocratic father, he said that if he was a few dozen years younger years old, he will go too. Let my son go on the road for them both - moving! I reflected on myself. A few months ago, I wrote and scolded my 18-year-old nephew because he wanted to buy an electric motorcycle. ashamed!
The cruel and pleasant cross-country travel in the film also reminded me of the recent tragic deaths of many people in China who lacked outdoor survival training due to the May Day holiday. I hope this film doesn't encourage the adventurous consciousness of the reckless people.
BY THE WAY, the movie that the tennis coach and his aristocratic friend in "The match point" that I saw the day before yesterday made an appointment to watch in London is the movie The motorcycle dairy.

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Extended Reading

The Motorcycle Diaries quotes

  • Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: [voiceover] The goal: to explore a continent we had only known in books.

  • Alberto Granado: We land on the Guajira Peninsula. The tip of a great continent. Bellies full of wine and two tropical beauties, hopefully sisters.

    Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: That's good beer, huh?