Drunk life and dream death

Ansley 2022-03-20 09:01:58

Bergman's most "good-looking" and most epic film. The film exudes sophistication and epic in every way. The five-hour film is a slow and meticulous portrayal of a family, a family, a woman and two children in a certain chapter in their lives. The first half spends a lot of space depicting a family gathering in Alexander's original family. It was a high-society family, and the father ran the theatre and was involved in the performances himself. The young and beautiful mother also participates in the performance of her husband's theater. One of my father's two brothers is a businessman, outgoing, optimistic but also vulgar, uncultured in his own words, but full of humanity. He had an affair with the maid of Alexander's family behind his back, and promised to give the maid a cafe that he invested in, but the maid did not seem to be interested in his money. The other brother was a professor, knowledgeable but sentimental, and financially distressed. He borrowed money from loan sharks, so he often asked his mother to borrow money but was rejected. He and his wife are a pair of living treasures, full of comedy. His wife cares and obeys him in every possible way. Even though he often scolds his wife with extremely vicious and vulgar swear words and tramples on his personality, his wife always goes in and out of his left ear gently and without anger. . . . Maybe they enjoy sadism and masochism. And, of course, Isaac, the elegant grandmother and lover of a mysterious sorcerer. The film took two hours to portray the characters and living conditions of all family members in great detail through family gatherings. Dad's performance on the bench in Alexander and his sister Finney's room after the party is the film's warmest moment, as it doesn't take long for Dad to fall ill on stage and eventually die. The death of his father made the family slowly fall into the abyss of doom.

My mother felt that as a drama actress, she always lived under multiple masks, and she wanted to find her own truth (refer to the mask, which is also an actor's mask), so she married a seemingly righteous bishop. After the oath was completed, the mother took Alexander and Finney and her second husband to stroll the streets. At this time, the grandmother in front of the window had a premonition of the future misfortune. The Bishop's home was a stark contrast to the previous home, simple, gray, cold, and eerie. The bishop always squeezed Alexander's neck and slapped his head with his hands when talking to Alexander. This detail fully shows the violent tendencies and desire for control in the bishop's heart. The bishop's mother and sister also have a chilling personality. The strict and dogmatic way of life and management methods contrasts greatly with the atmosphere of the native family. Finally, after a long time together, the bishop's true face was completely exposed. The mother went back to her grandmother's house to complain about the inhuman treatment of herself and her children, but she couldn't get a divorce because she would lose custody. At the same time, the bishop violently punished Alexander for spreading "rumours" and imprisoned him. Whether or not the bishop caused the drowning death of his ex-wife and two children, we don't know for sure, because when Alexander actually saw the ghosts of the dead sisters, they told him it was a joke. Maybe Alexander really lied, because he hated the leader, and lies and false accusations were his only weapons (suddenly remembered the little girl in "Hunting") When he saw the vision of his dead father many times, it was not true psychological Insinuation. He questioned his father why God didn't kill the leader, and the leader, as a believer of God, was ironic. With the help of my grandmother's friend Isaac, Alexander and Finney were rescued, and the bishop was burned at home by psychics using some mysterious means similar to witchcraft, and I think Alexander's hatred of the bishop was the result of witchcraft The driving force behind the implementation. Fictitious and real, both true and false, this film is full of mysticism, and the real and the unreal are intertwined, like a dream.

After going through all this, the mother took her two children back to the starting point, back to the theater where it used to be. It's just that Alexander's inner scars cannot be erased after experiencing a nightmarish life, so he finally sees the bishop's ghost in the corridor, which is the shadow of his childhood and will accompany him for the rest of his life. He quickly snuggled into his grandmother's arms and listened to her reading the script's lines of truth and fantasy.

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Fanny and Alexander quotes

  • Ekdahlska huset - Helena Ekdahl: I loved being a mother. I loved having a big belly. I loved being an actress too, but I preferred being a mother.

  • Emilie Ekdahl - Ekdahlska huset: Your sister gave me sleeping pills for my insomnia. I put three of them in the broth. I did not intend for you to drink it. While you were checking on Elsa, I put three more in. Soon you will sleep very soundly, and when you wake up, I will be gone.