father's war

Thelma 2022-03-22 09:02:16

Some people always make people happy when he shows up, others because of his absence.

First of all, this is a black satirical movie. The director gave a good story. The overall structure is very similar to that of "Crazy Stone". It creates a standard tripartite contradiction around the small clues that keep appearing. .

The characters' personalities and the scripts of the lines have the taste of Vonnegut, but the shots and soundtracks are of a pertinent and regular type. Coupled with the snowy night and occasional sarcastic laughter, the overall look of the film is dark and grim, even in the dark. During the viewing process, I once thought that I was watching a Nordic film (it turns out that the director is really Norwegian...).

Three fathers, with different social occupations and status, different races and religious beliefs, have the same absence of parent and child.

Coxman's whole-hearted work has kept him and his son apart. He doesn't know his favorite movies and records, and he doesn't know his FB homepage. He is only relatively silent when hunting, and even his wife doesn't trust the sentence "he is not a drug addict"; The pirate brother is strong and violent, and strictly wraps the child in regular meal matching and violent worship preaching, without the company of bedtime stories; Bai Niu protects the child from gang activities, but in exchange for his son's first The second mission will kill Huang Quan.

The life and death of the next generation brings the pursuit and revenge of the three fathers. In the first half of the pulling, people seem to see the repeated wars in history, Catholics and Indians, Indians, Nordics and Jews, violence. Protesters and anti-war activists, all kinds of characters, created misunderstandings and violent anger, originally integrated families were broken, and multi-racial families were disintegrated. Fortunately, the director left a seed of warmth. The child hid in a hidden spot with headphones. After all living beings died, he drove away with the snow plow in the bedtime story, and the child finally got what he wanted.

The English name of the film is "Cold pursuit", and the Chinese translation is "Cold Pursuit". I always feel that something is missing. Maybe it's the lack of the cold pursuit of my parents, or maybe the director thinks of his father who can't tell stories. , the stern father.

Maybe, he's just trying to tell a good story now...

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Cold Pursuit quotes

  • Simon Legrew: Your mother's womb must be twitching in regret at bringing you into the world

  • Thorpe: Do you have any idea what I can do to you... on Yelp?